January 1, 2011
Lisa, of Lisa Chaos, turned me on to a new meme called First of the Month. It is something she picked up from her blogging friend Jan. To quote them both - The goal is to capture one thing repeatedly on the first of each month. It can be a landscape, a person, an animal, a project; whatever your focus is, is fine. It can even be a record of where you are each First of the Month.
Watch them grow!
Z-bub, Dinkum, Mizellie.
Have you decided on the grands for your subject? I could do Willie the pit bull but fear I'm over-exposing him on blogs and facebook. He may start expecting royalties. . .
I have to wait a few years until little Toby can play in the snow !
and it's only once a month too.
I missed you.
I'm back.
...and someday they will be telling their grandkids how they used to go sleddin' at grandmaws.