Far From Home

I haven't joined Carmi's Thematic Photo challenge for quite some time.  This week his topic is Far From Home.

The Eastern Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is seen in eastern and central Canada, and in the eastern United States.  It isn't supposed to be in my back yard.

Several times in the last six years I have had one or two of these beautiful birds visiting my feeder in the middle of winter.

This fellow truly is far from home.

Click here to see others far from home choices.

Or better yet!  Post your own!


Vicki said…
So then, the question may be is he on his way home? No matter where he is going, your yard must feel like home.
hes a stunner! I love your bird house, think I might go and make myself one.
LOL, I saw your comment on mine.. Blue Jays are indigenous to Calif... I thought they would be familiar to your area as well...Love that feeder of yours!.
Sayre said…
Love that shot!

I saw a killdeer at the engineering pond yesterday. You don't usually see them around here - they are more of a plains kind of bird. I had to stop the car to be sure. Wish I'd had my camera!
Living Life said…
I didn't know they were native to the Eastern part of the US. You must be right though, cause I am seeing lots of these blue feathered Jays!
Steve Skinner said…
Maybe you have the nation's best bird feed!
Gattina said…
What a beautiful bird, never saw a blue one, ours are all grey sperlings ! Once in a blue moon I see a robin.
Pamela said…
Dennis - my husband built it.
Kalei's best friend - don't confuse the Eastern blue jay with Stellar Jay, Western scrub jay, pinion jay, and gray jay. Those are found in California.

I do have Stellar Jay native to my area. But the Eastern blue jay is not in any of the pacific region.
Faye said…
There was a handsome bluejay (I think) outside my window this morning--where a flock of cardinals were having a meeting a couple of days ago. He didn't have time to pose.
bichonpawz said…
I think he just really likes your sylish bird feeder Pamela! Beautiful picture!
Jan n Jer said…
We have bluejays in our neck of the woods...they are such a pretty bird. Great shot Pamela.
~SwAmPy~ said…
Always love your bird shots and the fact that you know who they are.
Intense Guy said…
Do you see the little guitar strap around his neck? This is Willie Nelson BlueJay. If you listen carefully his song goes like this, "Just can't wait to get on the road again... The life I love is making music with my friends..."
JoeinVegas said…
Why does that feeder look empty? Come on, serve those guys and you'll get more.
Unknown said…
I had no idea he wasn't supposed to be in Washington, I just assumed they were everywhere. I have a similar feeder, we built it before the snow flew, lol.
Peter said…
Your fame is spreading Pamela even the Blue Jays know about you.

WV was "menall" but it didn't say what.
Wendster said…
That is a beautiful photo. I am sure Peter is right. Even birds know where to come to have their photo taken.
MarmiteToasty said…
wow what a beautiful little bird, I have LOVED my little bird table this winter and have seen all manner of birds come and go, the funniest has been a pair of pigeons that sit on the top and then try and suss out how to land on the table they have to do a hoover move LOL


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