4 Rambo, 1 ramBoPeep

4 Rambo, 1 ramBoPeep from pamela on Vimeo.

Taken this afternoon about 120 miles East of Portland Oregon, on I-84


Peter said…
Very cute stuff, especially the last one.. you know... the Duck.
Hayden said…
that fence was no barrier at all, was it? Interesting...
Janis said…
Looks like they were playing follow the leader. Love watching them.
darkfoam said…
i would love seeing these in the wild!

and why jump when you can duck! .. lol ..
Donna said…
Cool videos Pamela! I Loved Oooops Grandma!Hahaa
Happy Sunday!
grammy said…
How fun
we saw some on the way up to some friends the other day....of course I had no camera. Even the deer surprise me the way they come up to a fence...then.... bong....they are over it. (o:
That was fun Pam.

I have never taught a class. The last time I spoke before a group was a couple of years ago at a shop, here in town. It was about tablescapes. I had not spoken before a group since I was PTA VP in the 1970's. When I spoke about the dishes, I was as tongue tied as badly as I was over 30 years ago, standing before the crowd of parents. It happens every time I stand before more than two people.:-) A round about way of saying, no I've never taught a class.
Great video..that last one was a very smart sheep! Going under must seem much easier! :)
Masago said…
Cool. Makes me wonder how this would play out with a bear or something in pursuit. :-)
bichonpawz said…
Loved this video! Looked like they were playing "Follow the Leader"!!
Swampy said…
For some reason, I have "Do the Limbo" and "Follow Me, I'm the Pied Piper" stuck in my head.
Great footage !
Thanks for stopping by after my long absence from the blogging-world. Hoping to find more time for blog-visits in the future.
heather said…
So graceful! Mostly, at least ;)
Debs said…
Loved the video. :) I like how it went just went under the fence.
C said…
Too funny. Animals have such personality.
kailani said…
I wonder how many times a day they jump over the fence? Well, except for the last one.
Intense Guy said…
Too cool! And how fortunate you were to spot them and get them on digital film!
Unknown said…
Is it unusual to see so many together? I love how the one kept trying to figure a way around before he finally went for it - and I bet it was him who did not want to jump a second time, but scooched instead.
Gattina said…
How lucky you were to be able to film them ! They re real good jumpers ! and what horns ! nothing for human males !
Desert Songbird said…
Seriously? Right there by the interstate?! Wow! That's incredible. Thanks for sharing that.

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