Karoo, Karoo

A Lullaby that my mom sang to me when I was a baby.
I sang to my daughters.  My daughters to my grandchildren.
I hope my great grandchildren will hear it someday, too.
Listen to it here --  accompanied by photos of my sleepy daughters, and my 10 sleepy grandchildren!

Karoo Karoo from pamela on Vimeo.


Shelby said…
karisma said…
Lovely! The tune sounds familiar but I don't recall the words. I also sang a lot to my babies and they loved it for years. Well except for Zak, he used to tell me to shut up! Little brat! Gameboys favourite was hush little baby! The girls loved the song about rainbows.
Moms Musings said…
What beautiful babies.
Kim said…
Sweet. I always sang "Winkin, Blinkin and Nod" and, of all things, Paul Simon's "St. Judy's Comet". I don't remember my mother ever singing to me.
Unknown said…
The tune sounded familiar. Now I'll be humming it all day. You have a lovely voice and lovely babies!
Janis said…
Oh how sweet...have never heard the song, but loved it. You have a great voice (it is you isn't it?)Nothing like a cute baby sleeping. How proud you must be of your lovely family. My singing to the kids consisted of "Twinkle little Star", "Itsy Bitsy spider" and "Rockabye Baby"
Heather Plett said…
That's lovely! Thanks for sharing it!
Karmyn R said…
Good thing you put in oldest to youngest or we would have never figured out who was who!
Helene said…
soooooooo sweet! Love this!
Intense Guy said…
Happiness is a perfectly contented, sleeping baby...

...and your are beautiful.
Carole Burant said…
Such a sweet song, it's no wonder babies love listening to it:-) I had never heard it before!! I don't recall my mom ever singing to us, I'll have to ask her if she ever did! lol Beautiful slideshow of precious babies. xoxo
Swampy said…
Ah-h-h-h! This one word sums it up.

Oh, your comments at my place are better than my entire post.
Gattina said…
That's so adorable, I don't find any words. I can't remember that my mother ever sang or even read a story for me !
ChrisB said…
That is lovely, I'm not familiar with it but from the photos I would say you had some happy children/grandchildren.
DesLily said…
wow that was really great Pam!!
bichonpawz said…
Oh Pamela....this was indeed beautiful! What a lovely voice you have...very special video. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Wonderful..they are all beautiful..but now I need a nap:)
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ Nice little song and beautiful sleeping babies. Lovely.
I prefer to remember my cane, as I am a wobbly walker. And I haven;t got a gun anyway. Cheers, Merle.
Swampy said…
Just popped back over...everytime I see that word, I think it says, "Kangaroo Kangaroo."
Thank goodness for my lysdexia. Keeps life interesting.
Claudia said…
aw, that is sweet.
Oh, dangit if you didn't make me cry at work!!!

LOVE this!!!
Living Life said…
Now I need another cup of coffee, as I am falling asleep listening to your lullabye! That was fantastic! You have a soothing voice and it reminds me of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music! Thanks for sharing the photos too! So cute!
Peter said…
When is the "single" being released Pamela, or is it going straight to DVD???

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