A Smile makes the Rounds

Week 46 at Thematic Photograph is up at Carmi's Written Inc. He's into round things this week. I thought about posing for a portrait, but my roundness is not something I appreciate.

Instead, I chose these two photos taken at the beach in March. Buttercup was sharing her happiness by building smiling sandcastles. We were interrupted by a heavy rain shower so her construction efforts were cut short.

Grandpa could not resist her happy ROUND faces in the sand buckets - so, to him I give the credit for my entry this week.

Visit or participate -- either one. Carmi will be glad to have you stop by and comment.


Amanda said…

The kids had so much fun at the beach. We're ready to go back already.
Junebug said…
Smile and the whole world smiles with you? Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Have you ever noticed that some people don't enjoy you smiling at them? I smile anyway!
Mojo said…
Fabulous take on the theme! Simple, great emotion, just wonderful.
Now that looks fun! I hope to go the beach this weekend.
Shey said…
Nice smiley bucket! Love the contrast of the red sweater and the yellow bucket. Cool captures both.

Swampy said…
Great contrasting colors...smiley faces are my favorite.
Susie Q said…
How did you know I needed a smile tonight? *sigh* And I got on here...what fun this must have been.

Kim said…
Happy girls see smiles in the sand. How adorable.
willowtree said…
gee that sand is dark. Does that have Mt Saint Helens ash in it or something?
Ingrid said…
How cute ! that's creativity !
BTW I don't play golf ! I prefer to live !
karisma said…
Very nice smiley's! Love the red coat too! Thanx for the poem at my place, gave me a giggle! Nice to see someone else being poetic for a change.
karisma said…
Oooh Oooh Oooh! Im back again (I know amazing twice in one day!) But seriously I just read your poem and comments to the kids and they came back with....

Beans, Beans the musical fruit
The more you eat the more you toot!
The more you toot the better you feel
So eat your beans with every meal!

Ahem so Pamela, are you calling me a "toot" (One has to realise that aussies are not so polite, (they really say Fart down here!)

It goes like this down here...

Beans Beans they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart the better you feel,
So eat your beans with every meal!

I know we are so uncivilized down here! We do come from convicts you know! Oh dear hang on! My mum came here when she was a kid, (her family were upper crust pommies, I think she may have been adopted or something as she is not so snooty! and so did my husband, he came here when he was one! Woops its all my dads fault! His family go way back!
Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ Great entry about round shapes. Love the faces the little girl made. Thanks for your comments on my blog and I am so glad you got a few laughs -- "Welcome to the Neighborhood. It is amazing how we can live near so many people and only know a few of them.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Gaynor said…
Oh, I love playing in the sand! No beach sand around here though. Will have to wait for holidays in Australia in August (winter). Lovely post Pam. And thanks for always stopping by my blog. xx
photowannabe said…
Very sweet take on the theme. Your little one was very creative. Nice shotss.
Glennis said…
wonderful textures and colors. I love it.
janie said…
aww, happy days:)
Ms. Kathleen said…
It looks like a blast to me. I love the beach... anytime of year. Adorable pics! Hugs!
Amanda Guthrie said…
How boring would life be without kids? they take the most simple things and turn them into treasures!
MarmiteToasty said…
The smiley face is enough to brighten any wet day on the beach :)

Brilliant :) It certainly made me smile!
Unknown said…
Butter is precious! I love the smiley faces too! Great job Grandpa!
wolfbaby said…
awwwww so cute
PastormacsAnn said…
Love it! My 7 yr. old son decorated everything with a smilie face! Your photos sure made me smile. Wonderful picks for Carmi's Round Challenge.

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