Round Two: A Rotund Sparrow

This chubby round White-crowned Sparrow was taking a little bath in our pretend creek this afternoon. I am sure he was preparing to dazzle a little female that was chowing down under the bird feeder. I counted at least 50 of this species in my yard this afternoon.

I decided to post him as another perspective of Round, Carmi's photo meme mentioned in the previous post.

This photo was taken through my dining room window with my Canon Power Shot. It just so happens that I scrubbed a few windows last weekend so we could see out.

The water feature, designed and constructed by my husband, flows beneath the window, under a walking bridge, and into the small pond. The fish pond is about three feet deep. But, the creek is very shallow and attractive to the little songbirds.

Add the feeders and our feather friendly landscape and you have a regular Birdie Bed & Breakfast.


Kila said…
What a great view you have!

My boys would love to play there.
LadyStyx said…
What a beautiful bird.
DesLily said…
don't you love when you get that "exceptional picture" !! great shot Pam!.. such a cute bird, none like that one here in Jersey
Carole Burant said…
The white crowned sparrows have just arrived here these last couple of weeks so I guess it's warm enough for them here now! lol I would so love to have a pond in my backyard...a future project:-) You took such a delightful picture of that sparrow and he certainly looks well fed!! xoxo
Anonymous said…
Please show some detailed photos of your pretend creek. Some of us might like to copy it. :o)
Karmyn R said…
He's a cute little fellow.
Diane said…
Isn't spring exciting?
Tillybud said…
ooh I wish we had those here in the uk!
Claudia said…
oh, sweetness. what a cute little dude.
momemts in time said…
We don't see those sparrows in England, ours are somewhat dull and never as rotund as yours. Wonderful to have something like that right outside your window...the trouble is our cat would be overjoyed to find birds at fround level... and we would probably stay watching it for too long.

Well seen.
Ingrid said…
That's a sparrow ? I have never seen such it is a beauty ! ours are boring grey ! What a nice photo !
(Arthur would appreciate such a bird bath, lol)
MarmiteToasty said…
What a lovely photo, and oh my you must have a great camera....

Swampy said…
Makes me want to go clean my windows...not !
I can't even reach my windows today...still in Seattle.
Unknown said…
He's perfect! You done great Pamela!

Sorry I'm so far behind. :(
Susie said…
Your pond and creek sound like an ideal place for the birdies in your neighborhood. We love to watch the fish and birds in our garden. It's just so peaceful, isn't it?
Great photo. Cheryl and I love watching the birds out our window. Right now we are seeing the spring migration coming in. Never thought I would be a bird watcher but I do enjoy them.
Coffeypot said…
Ain't he cute? Hand me my gun, please. I'll have him mounted.
grammy said…
Loved the fat little sparrow. I came over from little Esme. From one Pamela to another I just had to say hi. There was another comment there from a Pam. She is 31. Don't hear our name that often on the younger generation. I love the pic of you kissing on a little one. Reminds me of how I just want to smell there sweet face, and smother them in kisses.
wolfbaby said…
You have some of the most amazing photos... you'd like some of my sister's i think:) she has a blog now if your interested... anways i love the pic!
Desert Songbird said…
How you get such close ups of birds is amazing...
Molly said…
Beautiful picture, Pamela.
Great photo! It sounds like you have a lovely B and B for birds! :)
jettied said…
OOHH 's so cute!! We had a woodpecker slam into our living room window the other day I took a pic...than went out to save him..I had picked him up and was looking at him...and all the sudden he woke up and flew right at me!!! I think I screamed!! but he flew away and seemed fine!!!
PastormacsAnn said…
Oh. He's perfect! and definitely so round! Wonderful capture for Carmi's Challenge.
Wendster said…
50?!? I so want to visit your house the next time I am out there.
Debbie said…
What a perfectly chubby fella. Great photo.

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