Round Two: A Rotund Sparrow

This chubby round White-crowned Sparrow was taking a little bath in our pretend creek this afternoon. I am sure he was preparing to dazzle a little female that was chowing down under the bird feeder. I counted at least 50 of this species in my yard this afternoon.
I decided to post him as another perspective of Round, Carmi's photo meme mentioned in the previous post.
This photo was taken through my dining room window with my Canon Power Shot. It just so happens that I scrubbed a few windows last weekend so we could see out.
The water feature, designed and constructed by my husband, flows beneath the window, under a walking bridge, and into the small pond. The fish pond is about three feet deep. But, the creek is very shallow and attractive to the little songbirds.
Add the feeders and our feather friendly landscape and you have a regular Birdie Bed & Breakfast.
My boys would love to play there.
Well seen.
(Arthur would appreciate such a bird bath, lol)
I can't even reach my windows today...still in Seattle.
Sorry I'm so far behind. :(