Bloomin' Beautiful

Carmi's theme (Thematic Photograph) this week is Floral. Any and all are invited to participate.

These flowers photos were snapped today on the street where I live. One is taken in front of my house and two at neighbors. There is one thing we have in common - we enjoy our bloomin' front and back yards.

Welcome spring.


karisma said…
Now that is what I call beautiful! Nature in all its glory! Just divine!
Kila said…
Wow, your area is blooming! Nothing green or flowery here yet. Was warm enough today, though!

Beautiful photos.
hahamommy said…
I just LOVE those peachy daffodils - I'm posting some today ;) Here's a link to my *missing* rose - best of both worlds, imho ;) :)
amanda said…
Awesome the bulbs are blooming!great shots!
Glennis said…
Beautiful. Love those daffodils - pink cupped daffodils are gorgeous.
photowannabe said…
Lovely Spring flowers. I love the Narcicis.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving the kind comment. Come again anytime.
Ive never seen daffodils that colour before. Lovely
LadyStyx said…
Those daffy-dills are soooooo pretty!
Kim said…
How lovely. My tulips and daffodils are blooming, too. I love spring!
Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ Thanks for your comment and glad you enjoyed the jokes esp the Quilt one.
Thank you, I am feeling lots better at last. I liked your story about the twins. And the lovely flowers too. At last Spring is there for you. I have falling leaves everywhere - Austumn. Fall.
Take care, Love, Merle.
ChrisB said…
I love spring flowers, everything coming to life and wonderful colours.
C... said…
Very lovely!
Bloomin' beautiful indeed! :)
Bloomin' beautiful is right!!!
MaR said…
Gorgeous flowers and shots!! I am loving this theme!
kitten said…
Very pretty and Springy!
Reb said…
How lovely - I can't wait for ours to bloom here. Of course, mine won't, I didn't get them planted in the fall :( Thanks for stopping by my blog.
wow. those are GORGEOUS!!!!
Amanda said…
Hayden said…
just beautiful! I especially love the last daffs... I'm really looking forward to planting spring bulbs next fall. If I can manage to protect them from the gophers.
Diane said…
Beautiful! I'm jealous! Spring isn't here yet for us.
Unknown said…
It sure is springy there! Yay for you! Can you send some my way?
Wendster said…

I TOTALLY would have loved to visit but this particular trip was too short and the car availability too little.

I'd love to visit next time though if it is convenient!

Sure was rainy last week, huh?
Tillybud said…
Pretty flowers - I love daffs!!
MarmiteToasty said…
Just beautiful.....

DesLily said…
beautiful Pam... some are blooming here too but it just makes me sad that David and Jim can't see them anymore.. :o( so I'm not really enjoying them much..
Ms. Kathleen said…
Oh Pam how GORGEOUS! Just look at those blooms!

Simply Heavenly!
Desert Songbird said…
Yay for spring! Those are lovely, lovely flowers.
Alison said…
I love spring!!!
Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela, Spring has surely sprung at your home, beautiful blooms..
Mercy's Maid said…
I am coveting the tulips.
Robin said…
Simply beautiful.
Jodi said…
Just beautiful... makes me very hopeful for Spring!!!
heather said…
Gorgeous pics!
Wendster said…
... just checkin' back to see if you commented back.

The flowers are still pretty.
Polite!! Your flowers are beautiful! A daffodil hybridizer lived near us, and the colors he came up with were nothing short of amazing! Sadly he passed on and had no children or relatives interested in such a long term learning proposition.

Gorgeous pictures!
So pretty! You make me believe that spring is coming! (You always get the visit before me!).
Ingrid said…
Lovely flowers !
Unknown said…
Lovely, indeed! Happy Spring.

And I really enjoyed the little story about the man picking flowers, in the above post. Made me smile.

Susie Q said…
This is just bloomin' gorgeous!

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