Reflections of a Grasshopper

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Beckie said…
Good Grief is it Wednesday already?

Great photo!
maiylah said…
nice capture!
love the details that you caught.
awesome. i love your ww's.
Anonymous said…
wow! this is super great! thanks for dropping. God bless
Anonymous said…
this is really a wordless entry. thanks for sharing.
Ingrid said…
That's a cute grasshopper ! My cats love them !
to your comment : I don't know if they take the house down after they finished their exam. I suppose so, lol !
Anonymous said…
Oh perfect timing! A great shot :-)
ChrisB said…
wow that's a great shot!
Mojo said…
That's such a cool shot! I love the color. (Who knew grasshoppers could be aesthetically appealing?)

On another note, I'm trying to spread some love around today. Maybe this falls in the category of "self-promotion", but really I'm just trying to gather some good karma for a friend who could really use it right now.
Can you take a moment to visit here and share some?
kitten said…
Wonderful picture!
DesLily said…
I wonder if the grasshopper thinks he found his mate? heh.. fantastic shot Pamela!
The Laundress said…
I so love your photos.
Anonymous said…
What a great shot! Reflections done right, like this one, give you two perspectives in one photo.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic picture!
Heather Plett said…
Well done! That's an amazing shot!
Anonymous said…

I have this thing about photographing bugs and feet. To me? This is one of my favorite shots of yours, and that's saying a lot! You KNOW I've liked many!

Truly a fabulous WW--there's not a thing that needs to be said.

...and then there are MY entries ... :/.

Great photo Pam. I hope someday you will tell me how you put your caption on each picture.
Anonymous said…
Nice shot. I have a photo similar to that, except from the other side of the glass!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous pic Pamela! I LOVE it!!
Jodi said…
Great picture... he looks like he's got little pink leg warmers on!! I guess the "Flashdance" look is coming back!! ;-)
Anonymous said…
Now that's just cool.
And, Jodi, you don't know how excited I was to see leg warmers back in style last year. Yes, I needed a pair immediately. I'd saved mine from many, many years ago waiting for just such a day, but alas, elastic doesn't last forever.
That's okay, I have a new pair now. Some things should never die.
Anonymous said…
Lordy! I can always count on your WW's to pull me out of lurk mode. This picture is fantastic, the colors you captured are amazing!!
Vered said…
What a beautiful photo.
Raven said…
Wow! What an amazing photo. Gorgeous, if a grasshopper can be gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
A great get! And I love your blog name too...
I must admit I just squished one yesterday ... he wasn't that pretty, though ... he was just trying to get in my front door.
M@ said…
Very good, Pam! I love your work with insects. Can you also communicate with them?
M@ said…
Is that a boy or a girl?
carrie said…
that made me smile!!

happy ww
Anonymous said…
Great capture!!!
Amanda said…
Cool picture mom!!
storyteller said…
What a wonderful capture is this grasshopper! I love it ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Anonymous said…
That was fabulous.
eastcoastlife said…
This grasshopper isn't green. It wears pink stockings!! hehe....
Sandy said…
Awesome picture. Bugs just creep me out but that is an awesome picture!
Attie said…
now isn't that cool!! love it!!
Unknown said…
Cute little fellow! I haven't seen many this summer. :(
Anonymous said…

(Did you keep it for the grandchildren?)
Anonymous said…
incredible, you missed your vocation you are a great photographer
karisma said…
Now that is one cool picture! Can I have a copy of that? LOL! Just kidding but seriously I love it!
Christy Woolum said…
In my travels through blogs this morning I have been amazed at how many terrific insect pictures I have encountered. Yours in amazing.
Karina said…
Pamela, this is such a beautiful photo! Amazing!
Molly said…
Pamela...that is the coolest picture. Your title reminds me of the old television series with David Carradine, Kung Fu.
Debbie said…
SUCH a cool photo!
Mary said…
Gorgeous! It's like one of those ink spot test :) Long time no see ( I mean me at your blog), how are you, Pajamela?
Wow, Pamela! That's an excellent shot. Very amazing. :D
Betty said…
Nice choice for WW Pamela.

I hope you have a good week.
Anonymous said…
What an awesome photo. I love it despite my distaste for the little creatures.
Desert Songbird said…
Booyah! What a wickedly clever photo!
Jenni said…
Fantastic shot! I like the "Olympic Flame" above, too.
Wendster said…
Great grasshopper photo! I enjoyed the story of Dan drinking it even more. LOLOLOLOL!!! Especially the comments that followed.

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