The sweet little digital camera that the hubby purchased (after I dropped our old one) has encouraged me to do a little more walking. Last week I took it with me when I walked up the "creek" path, which doubles for joggers and bikers as well. I've seen beavers, mink, deer, birds, birds, birds, and once the tail end of a bear run running away through the brush. Of course, without a camera. Now I carry it often. This time I was watching the Belted King Fisher performing an acrobatic display and chattering at the ducks and geese in his fishing territory. I was zooming in on him in a tree across the water when I spotted what I thought was a huge wasp or hornet nest very high in the tree. (Thanks to Susan for bringing up bee's today.) The heavy binoculars were at home, so I continued to try to see it through my camera. Then, a weird movement caught my eye. What I thought was a giant paper wasp nest was really a Great Blue Heron sleeping on one leg with his head ben...
I did this last fall and it said I looked like some big, ugly, grizzly actor - I can't remember his name. I didn't blog about it - for obvious reasons.
Curly Mop had so much fun visiting you and G'pa. I think she wants to come back.
I'm not blogging and I thought the most responbile way to not blog was to turn off the blog with a password. I have dreams and hopes of one day blogging again. I could blog before because work was average and I wasn't that busy. Now we are swamped and I don't have time to eat lunch let along type out anything interesting....
Thanks for looking out for me!
Smarter...sexier. You do not need that make up. You are beautiful!