Fun Monday - The A to Z shuffle

One of my very first blogging buddies is hosting today's Fun Monday. She asked that we make a list starting with Asylum and ending with Zany. Well, not those exact words, but the capital letter might give you the gist of it.

I won't explain much more - except that we weren't obligated to follow the rules.

So, without further Adieu or Zaboomafoo, I present to you and to Swampwitch my Fun Monday list of A to Z.

Yesterday was Easter and we were delighted to join some friends for dinner at a buffet in a nearby city. The following are the things we devoured, and a few things that we didn't:

Apple Pie, peach cobbler, and every dessert imaginable.

Beets, (pickled)

Cranberry sauce

Deep fried chicken, home style chicken, baked chicken.

Eggs boiled and dyed

Fish, baked (and Fried shrimp I didn’t eat)

Gravy, beef and turkey

Ham, sliced to perfection.

Ice cream, chocolate or vanilla.

Just too much damn food (thanks to hubby for this suggestion)

Kookies (I know it’s spelled wrong, but it sounds right)

Ladles of hot corn chowder, vegetable beef soup, and others.

Macaroni & Cheese (we saw a kid eating it with ketchup!)

Nuts, croutons, mushrooms and bacon bits

Onion rings and French fried potatoes.

Prime rib and mashed potatoes

Quiche (spinach Marie)

Rolls and cornbread with butter

Salads, tossed, spring greens, Caeser, Fruit, yada yada yada…

Turkey with two kinds of stuffing.

Undisciplined children lined up at the dessert aisle.

Vegetables such as steamed carrots, corn, and green beans.

Water, tea, coffee, milk, soda pop and juices.

Xtra helpings of anything we desired

Yams, candied

Zzzzzzzzz’s the rest of the afternoon.

Yes, that is me you hear groaning.

Get your pencil out to take notes because there should be lists galore over at Anecdotes, Antidotes & Anodes. Please join the rest of the participants in today's Fun.


IamwhoIam said…
Your FM sounds Yummy
Peter said…
What a great list Pamela, no wonder you are groaning.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers.
Junebug said…
Was that a 26 course meal? :D
kitten said…
I should have came eat with yall. We did a throw together Wedding for my cousin. I will post it Tuesday. I did my FM on something different!
Yours was great!
Alison said…
it all sounds very yummy...I wasn't hungry until I read your list!!! great job.
Anonymous said…
Your list sounds yummy even though I'm totally stuffed from Easter dinner with 30+ family members who grazed all day at Mom's house!
suddenly i'm very very hungry ;-)
Ingrid said…
and after all that you are alive and could write this post ??? Amazing ! You must be a miracle of nature, lol !
katy said…
lovely, truly yummy list.
had a friend who had ketchup with every meal, yep including christmas dinners
karisma said…
Goodness Me! Are you feeling fat right now?
Sayre said…
Mac & Cheese with ketchup? I thought my son was with ME this weekend!
Melanie said…
What a yummy list!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!
Anonymous said…
My bill from Jenny Craig will be arriving at your house...I gained 5 pounds just reading that list. My goodness ! Thanks for playing the game and have a wonderful week. Now, I'm off to the refrigerator to see if there's anything to eat. You have stirred up my appetite.
Groaning? Giggle Giggle !
Anonymous said…
I wish you'd invite me over sometime.
We ate eggs.
That's all.
Purple, yellow, and green eggs.
MarmiteToasty said…
Jebus not I need go and eat LOL

Beckie said…
Well....Yum - that was a great list!
Karina said…
I think my tummy hurts just from reading this list! ;-)
Anonymous said…
Dude, I had to unbutton my pants after reading your list!
Unknown said…
First, thanx to you and your daughter for keeping me so motivated to exercise. :) Like mother like daughter. Ugh. ♥

I feel very full just reading your list so I think you have helped me watch my food intake as well. I will just come back and read your list when I get hungry. :)
Wendster said…
. . . and THAT is why I wear spandex to buffets.

Glad you didn't eat the unruly children ... even though they were blocking your path to dessert. ... reason enough in my book.

I don't think my pants will stretch THAT far.
Faye said…
Makes my bowl of Easter chili pretty sad! Re unruly children at the dessert table: have you seen the sign in some stores that threaten "Unattended children will be sold into slavery. . ."
SwampAngel65 said…
Oh, you've made my stomach start to growl! Our dinner was simple-ham, greenbeans and sweet potatoes!
SwampAngel65 said…
Oh, you've made my stomach start to growl! Our dinner was simple-ham, greenbeans and sweet potatoes!
Anonymous said…
Pamela this list is great. I especially chuckled at the unruly children one and the zzzz's. Well done!
Jan said…
Aren't you glad there were no left-overs. That can be a disaster.
Anonymous said…
All that food! Now I need to go catch some more zzzzz's! Great list!

(Simply Jenn- my computer is hiccuping again)
PAT said…
Pamela...I'm groaning and I never took a single bite!! It all sounds glorious, though!

I enjoyed this little spirit lifter, this afternoon!
Molly said…
Now, that is quite a feast.
Jill said…
food food food! yeah food!
DesLily said…
wow.. you did good !!

all that work and you made me hungry! heh.
ChrisB said…
That was a yummy alphabet~ I'm glad I'd eaten dinner before reading it!
Anonymous said…
Pam, your comment crack me up! LOL

WOOT for apple pie!
Attie said…
YUm Yum Yum!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so hungry!!
Thanks for your encouraging words by the way we did find her!!!1 Iam so relevied come see!!
Baba said…
Hi Pamela, What a great list of good food you had , my husband would love all of this feast...thanks for your visit to my place today. Hugs, Baba
Anonymous said…
Too much food. That I why I don't go to many buffets if I can help it. I usually 'get me money's worth'...if you know what I mean.

Good that you got out with friends though. Good for the soul.
Love the "J"! Very funny. Very clever "Z" as well. Thanks for stopping by my website. Stop in anytime.
Jo Beaufoix said…
Sounds fabulous. Made me sleepy just reading it. :D
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great meal. Buffets are quite the thing. I like them except I am usually too full after, and the undisciplined children get on my nerves. Oh, Sirdar eats ketchup on Mac N Cheese sometimes too. Not me, can't stand ketchup.
Anonymous said…
Do you cater? We don't pay good, but we tip well.
j said…
Yes, Xtra please! A fun and filling Fun Monday post!

Anonymous said…
Sounds good to me. We had something I havent' had in forever - and ate 3 helpings....instant mashed potatos!!!
Amanda said…
This list has made me hungry. And I has dinner just 30 mins ago!
Desert Songbird said…
I love macaroni and cheese with ketchup.
Kaytabug said…
I am glad I just ate! Great list!!!
Debs said…
Great list:)
Anonymous said…
It's just about lunchtime here, and I am famished reading your list. The corn chowder, Prime rib and Apple pie sound delish right about now.
Yummy list!!
Glad you had a wonderful Easter!
Carla said…
Wow, what a feast!
Sandy said…
That sounds absolutely wonderful! Are you recovered yet?
Shelby said…
I do hope you are doing well.. enjoyed reading your comments at my place.. take care.
BlondeBlogger said…
Oh my gosh, I am dieting and just got done eating bland popcorn to stave off my hunger. I could eat everything on that list right now!!!
Anonymous said…
For some reason, "Kookies" looks VERY Swampy-approved :). I first read "ladles of hot corn chowder" as "LADIES..." and I was VERY confused! I figured "U" was all too true...come to think of it, after reading your list, so was "j".

Cute Pammy..........very, very cute!
Susie Q said…
Such a fantastic list Pamela! You are so inventive...and creative. I hopped on over to visit some of the others and loved this idea! Such fun. I missed out on it but may use it soon.
Great stuff.
Loved your recent always!


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