Fun Monday - The A to Z shuffle

I won't explain much more - except that we weren't obligated to follow the rules.
So, without further Adieu or Zaboomafoo, I present to you and to Swampwitch my Fun Monday list of A to Z.
Yesterday was Easter and we were delighted to join some friends for dinner at a buffet in a nearby city. The following are the things we devoured, and a few things that we didn't:
Apple Pie, peach cobbler, and every dessert imaginable.
Beets, (pickled)
Cranberry sauce
Deep fried chicken, home style chicken, baked chicken.
Eggs boiled and dyed
Fish, baked (and Fried shrimp I didn’t eat)
Gravy, beef and turkey
Ham, sliced to perfection.
Ice cream, chocolate or vanilla.
Just too much damn food (thanks to hubby for this suggestion)
Kookies (I know it’s spelled wrong, but it sounds right)
Ladles of hot corn chowder, vegetable beef soup, and others.
Macaroni & Cheese (we saw a kid eating it with ketchup!)
Nuts, croutons, mushrooms and bacon bits
Onion rings and French fried potatoes.
Prime rib and mashed potatoes
Quiche (spinach Marie)
Rolls and cornbread with butter
Salads, tossed, spring greens, Caeser, Fruit, yada yada yada…
Turkey with two kinds of stuffing.
Undisciplined children lined up at the dessert aisle.
Vegetables such as steamed carrots, corn, and green beans.
Water, tea, coffee, milk, soda pop and juices.
Xtra helpings of anything we desired
Yams, candied
Zzzzzzzzz’s the rest of the afternoon.
Yes, that is me you hear groaning.
Get your pencil out to take notes because there should be lists galore over at Anecdotes, Antidotes & Anodes. Please join the rest of the participants in today's Fun.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers.
Yours was great!
had a friend who had ketchup with every meal, yep including christmas dinners
Groaning? Giggle Giggle !
We ate eggs.
That's all.
Purple, yellow, and green eggs.
I feel very full just reading your list so I think you have helped me watch my food intake as well. I will just come back and read your list when I get hungry. :)
Glad you didn't eat the unruly children ... even though they were blocking your path to dessert. ... reason enough in my book.
I don't think my pants will stretch THAT far.
(Simply Jenn- my computer is hiccuping again)
I enjoyed this little spirit lifter, this afternoon!
all that work and you made me hungry! heh.
WOOT for apple pie!
Thanks for your encouraging words by the way we did find her!!!1 Iam so relevied come see!!
Good that you got out with friends though. Good for the soul.
Yummy list!!
Glad you had a wonderful Easter!
Cute Pammy..........very, very cute!
Great stuff.
Loved your recent always!