Peek - a - Hoot

There was a lot of activity and vocalizations coming from the owl box just before noon on May 31.  I marked "hatched" on my calendar. 

I check late every night and hear the squeaking noises growing stronger.  Karmyn came to visit on June 4.  She could hear the "Owl business" through the open window at the head of her bed.

Two nights ago one baby Western Screech Owl peeked through the opening of the owl box.  The photograph is about as fuzzy as the little creature itself!  I believe it's an only child.

The father must be hanging out, but I have not been able to confirm the existence of a second owl coming from and going to the box.

The female will often sit and look out the hole as we go about our daily business.  She must not feel threatened by the human interaction.  I appreciate that!


And this is the surviving sparrow in the nesting house in the back yard after Mr. Magpie ordered up lunch for his own muster of chicks.  Baby sparrow fledged a few days ago, but the vacancy has already been filled.  Noisy, Noisy Sparrows!  Nosy me!


Will I ever get back to a committed relationship with blogger?  Big sigh.


momto3cubs said…

I have a bird-watcher in my household, and when he talks of birds, I often think of you.
Janis said…
That is so exciting to have an owls nest in your yard. Keep us posted on the progress!
grammy said…
I clicked to enlarge the owl and it was so cute (o:
We have no nests this year. Looks like you enjoy the company. Do you still have a house full of family there? That makes it a little hard to be too into blogging. Happy summer days to you.
kailani said…
It's like a bird sanctuary over there! :-)
bichonpawz said…
I was thinking the same as grammy...with lots of family around, there isn't much time for blogging! I just know you are enjoying all of your bird friends!!

Great pics!
Sayre said…
I love your owl picture! So lucky to have them nesting in your yard where you can see them! We have lots of owls around here, but I have no idea where they nest.

Our wrens seem to have fledged. It happens so fast! There's a lovely empty next on top of my kitchen window that I'm not sure what to do with. It really is a great nest, but if no one's moving in, I guess I'd better remove it.
Donna said…
Thanks for the comment Pamela...What a Sweet baby owl! So cute!
We had red bird babies...SO fun to watch Daddy RedBird teach the babies to fly!
Stay cool!
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ Thanks for your comments on my blog. That darn Volcanic ash is coming all the way from Chile. We have had lots of cancellations, but I hope Peter can get here,also his daughter Vicki who will drive him up to Shepparton to see me. I will sure give him a hug from you. How exciting to have the owls in your yard.
Take care, Love, Merle.
darkfoam said…
that's a really neat nesting house you have for the sparrow. looks like something a hobbit might live in.
you are so lucky to have the owls! i adore that little owl head peaking out into the world.
i hope you are having a nice summer with hubby and visits from grandchildren.
Living Life said…
How thrilling to have those babies thriving right in your very own back yard! I would so love to have an owl nesting in my yard. Those are great photos!
Preobrazhenskii said…
Delightful photo's of mother nature and the joys of new life.

The camera and the blog make a wonderful combination for all of us to enjoy.
You raised an owl in your yard..fantastic! I hope you are having a good spring:)
LadyStyx said…
"Will I ever get back to a committed relationship with blogger? Big sigh."

You and me both!
Intense Guy said…
I've got the "committed" part down pat... just not with blogger. :)

I'm so envious you have a baby owl in your birdhouse!

What a hooooooooooooooooot!!

Did you see the series of Mutts cartoons with the owl?
Ms. Kathleen said…
Oh wow! That is so awesome! I love owls - they are amazing.
Desert Songbird said…
"Committed relationship" made me giggle. I know what you mean. ;) It is what it is. Blog when you wish. That's all you need to do.

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