I love "BORING"

Today my eldest daughter received good news.

Drum roll:  The specialist at OHSU told her that the results of her CT SCAN  were "boring." A clever way of saying that there was nothing suspicious found in her body following the removal of her malignant tumor and thyroid.

As a result of the clean scan she will receive only the "precautionary"  radioactive iodide treatment. 

Karmyn said she's been feeling good, and she can handle the short duration of discomfort and  inconvenience that the therapy will induce.

Thanks to all of you who sent up prayers and positive thoughts.


Jan n Jer said…
Thats wonderful news...Medical terms are sometimes funny aren't they!
Intense Guy said…
That is wonderful news - I will continue with the thoughts and prayers until the clean bill of health is printed.

Sandy said…
I am so glad, Pamela! I like boring, too. Continuing prayers and adding prayers of thanksgiving!
Sayre said…
Whoopin' it up and doing the happy dance!!!
Yeah! Great news..I am glad she is "boring" too! What a relief:)
darkfoam said…
well! i love boring now!! that's great news.
Living Life said…
Awesome news!!!!! So happy for her. Have a wonderful Easter!!
grammy said…
Yes...Boring is good!!!
So happy for you and your family. Such a hard time to go through.
Hope you have been having a fun crafty time with the Grands (o:
Ingrid said…
You must be very relieved and happy ! such good news !
Thank you for all your comments,I came back from France yesterday afternoon and am still a little "homesick" not because of the French Riviera (I thought I was in Italy) but because of the stay with Claudie and her family, such warmhearted and cheerful people ! It was as if we had known each other for real since 2006 !
Happy Easter Pamela! I hope you had a great day! :)
~sWaMpY~ said…
Doing the Happy Dance for boring !
C... said…
Boring is good! :)
Hayden said…
Wonderful news, Pamela - I'm delighted to hear this!
Peter said…
Great news Pamela, hope it continues.
Unknown said…
Totally awesome news!!
Boring is very, very good! Yay!
bichonpawz said…
So happy for your "boring" news! Terrific!! Prayers will continue for good health.
kailani said…
What wonderful news! Sometimes "boring" is just what we need. :-)
Kila said…
Hooray for boring news!

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