Chicken Spaghetti

Just when I needed some kitchen inspiration … I WON!  I WON!
All Right.  So… everybody who commented on  a recent post by Swampy  (Anecdotes, Antidotes & Anodes)  won, BUT…that didn’t make it any less sweet.   Especially since I’d been standing in Barnes & Nobles just recently admiring the great success of Ree, The Pioneer Woman.

So – here is my prize! ! A personally autographed Pioneer Woman Cooks!

pioneerCook pioneerCook2003

When I started blogging over four years ago the Swamp Witch and Ree (Confessions of a Pioneer Woman) were two of my very first cyber friends.  I think there was a group of about 10 of us who got linked up through  “blogging chicks;” not to mention a clever and cynical cyber Aussie hunk.  Swampy and I can talk about him later…..

I keep track of Ree’s success.  I still read her blog (it’s like a three ringed circus) and now I’ve even watched her television appearance on THE VIEW!! 

Swampy continues to blog on her broom; a trick I admire.  She keeps that  sonic sweeper in constant motion and I just am always tagging along in the comment section.

And me?  Well, I’m just going to get up tomorrow and cook. We need some semblance of normalcy right now, and a good pan of chicken spaghetti just seems to fit the bill.

ps.  Thanks Ree and Swampy.  Hugs and damp lashes.


Sandy said…
I got my copy also and failed to blog about it. Can I just copy and paste yours? You said it so much more eloquently than I could have.

Hope the chicken spaghetti puts the right back in your world.
Jan n Jer said…
How nice to stay in touch with your cyber friends...wouldn't it be nice to meet them in person. Lucky you on winning the cook book...I am kicking myself for not participaiting in the contest. Enjoy your chicken spaghetti dish.
Jenni said…
I have made the blackberry cobbler, chocolate sheet cake, peach crisp with maple cream sauce, cinnamon rolls, marmalade muffins, pulled pork, brisket, and enchiladas (at different times!) for our Bible fellowship, and Ree's recipes are always a HUGE hit. The coffee cake (literally) recipe from her blog is now our whole family's favorite, and the fellowship loves it too. No one can resist that coffee cake! Out of all of her recipes I've tried (and there are many more than I've listed here), none has been a let down. Dh and the kids do like my lasagna better, but they think Ree's is a close second:o) Happy cooking!
heather said…
It's fun to watch the different directions our cyber friends go, whether in "normal" lives or in the spotlight.
Intense Guy said…
Wow! So you knew her when...


Hope your chicken 'sketti taste super scumptious!
Congrats are very lucky! I used to read her a long time ago..then I just lost interest..after Nell the Border Collie disappeared..:)
karisma said…
I was pleasantly surprised that a lot of the recipes were vegetarian or sweets! Yum! I was expecting lots of beef dishes LOL! I LOVE my book, the pictures, the funny comments! Very cool cook book! I had a great initial giggle at the blog like step by step pictures too!
~sWaMpY~ said…
So glad the cookbook arrived via Okrahoma ! I can just read the recipes and gain weight. Now, please pass the chickin'sketti.
Anonymous said…
cool stuff :)
grammy said…
lucky lucky you
i would love to win something
i gave up commenting at Ree's
me and thousands of others does not seem like good odds (o:
hope the spaghetti makes all better
bichonpawz said…
Congratulations to you Pamela! And Swampy too! Happy Cooking!!!
Living Life said…
Congrats on your win! I was out of town during Swampy's contest - Dangit.

p.s. You won my photo caption contest and I need your address so I can mail you your Walmart gift card. Sorry - I can't out do Swampy's gift!
Unknown said…
Congrats to you! How nice! And normal is totally ok! :0)
Tabitha Blue said…
Oh that is so awesome!!! The whole post is awesome... and I wan't one! So bummed I didn't know about this. But alas, I will try and get the incentive to cook anyway... without a special signed bool :(

Kila said…
Hooray for your new book! I love looking through it and reading it. It's been a blast watching her rise from 10 comments a day to her current fame.

Just checked on the Aussie hunk, and he's still missing, still eating cookies, presumably...
Hayden said…
very cool - have fun and let us know what you cooked!
Karmyn R said…
very cool.
grammy said…
Just wanted you to know I am still thinking and praying for you (o:
Peter said…
Hunk of what????
MarmiteToasty said…
oh my goodness - you jammy bugger :)


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