Popinjay: Joyful
Heather Goodman , a blogging friend for nearly four years, is hosting a meme this week and next called Popinjay. She says: pop⋅in⋅jay--noun--a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter. In other words, blogging. Isn't that what this personal blogging is all about? Me. Me. Me. For this photo challenge, that's perfect. We're going to dig inside of ourselves and do some concept photography. I'm going to give you a word and you're going to take a photo of something that describes the concept of the word. Today's word: joyful. joy·ful [ joi - fuhl ] –adjective 1. full of joy, as a person or one's heart; glad; delighted. 2. showing or expressing joy, as looks, actions, or speech. 3. causing or bringing joy, as an event, a sight, or news; delightful: the joyful announcement of their marriage . So I'm playing. AND... I'm choosing the third definition of joyful - causing or bringing joy. My son-in-law gave me a beaut...