Eye Eye, Matey!

Jammin, my 8-year old grandson had  eye surgery on Monday.

When I stayed with him and his siblings last August, we were putting drops in his eye several times a day.  The pediatrician thought he had growth caused by a bacteria.

But, the antibiotics and steroids proved useless.  He was sent to the Casey Eye Institute in Portland, Oregon, where the specialist recommended surgery and biopsy.

After the surgery, his mother and father sat with him in recovery. 

Once he became aware of his surroundings his mother remarked, "Hey Jammin'.  You look like a pirate."

"AAAAAAAAAAARGH!." He replied.

He is doing well.  He should be back in school tomorrow  and we are hoping for good news from the pathologist.


Coffeypot said…
I, too, am hoping and prying for good news...and a swift pirate ship for his sailing days.
darkfoam said…
precious and brave boy ..
here's a big aaaaargh back at hime ..
Peter said…
Aaaaargh to Jammin.

You, and all my other buddies whether real life or cyber, are always with me Pamela, whether I'm traveling or not.
Have a great Christmas and 2010.
Gattina said…
Poor boy, an eye surgery ! but it's right he has a nice costume as pirate Better think posititive !
karisma said…
What a BRAVE little pirate! Big hugs and smoochies to him and his nan and mama! mwah xoxoxo

Hey! It take all the family to make a brave front!!! Smoochies to all of you!
Sayre said…
That is one strong kid there. PRobably because his mama is strong - as is HER mama. Ya'll are doing a good job - just keep it up. Thoughts and prayers still coming your way!
Junebug said…
Praying for Grrrrrreat news! Quick healing, quick recovery, and good health. Amen!
Jenni said…
Yes, what Junebug said! I hope he's having fun with it rather than feeling self concious. Eight is typically a good age for enjoying the whole pirate thing. Josh had to have vision therapy at that age and was required to wear a patch for an hour a day on each eye (not both at once though!). He thought it was fun and cool to have a patch:o)
Intense Guy said…
I hope he recovers quickly - it must be scary having a eye that won't heal and he good.

He's a brave guy. Attitude is so important to getting well.
grammy said…
what a hard thing for him to go through
he looks like he has a little almost cry behind that smile
praying for your pirate (o:
Unknown said…
The waiting is always the hardest part. He looks great! He has so much love around him that I'm sure he feels even braver as you all wait.
MarmiteToasty said…
oh the poor little mite..... fingers and toes and eye ;) crossed for a good recovery.... he was so very brave..

He does look like a pirate! I am praying for a good pathology report..I know this is never far from your mind Pamela.. so difficult when your childrens children hurt..and you can't make it all better. Our "baby" the youngest of our grands is eight. Eight is too little to have such scary surgeries..:)
Anonymous said…
Poor thing - hope he has a speedy recovery.
Jan n Jer said…
Prayers for a quick recovery and good news!
dawn said…
At least having had to go through the surgery he has a fun character to play afterwards. Glad the surgery went well and he still has a sense of humour.
ChrisB said…
How did I manage to miss this cut little pirate. All he needs now is a parrot!
Desert Songbird said…
I'm soooooo glad Karmyn got a good report on this. Now everyone can breathe! with relief.
Phil Elliott said…
Hope he continues to make strong progress.

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