Too Big To Wrap

Our Christmas present this year.  A new driveway and sidewalk.
Merry Christmas!


Oooh, what a very nice Christmas gift, indeed!! Maybe you can put a big red bow in the middle when it's done. :D

Merry Christmas!
Red Lotus Mama said…
Wow ... that is quite a gift! Mine was a settlement on my divorce.

Happy Holidays!
Sukhmandir Kaur said…
Now that's a gift worth getting. Congratulations Enjoy! Happy WW
Oh wow!!! That is awesome :) I bet you're super excited! Looks like it's coming along nicely...
catsynth said…
That's a present you will definitely enjoy for quite a while.
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Holidays!
Gattina said…
Wow ! that's a big present in all senses !
Unknown said…
What a terrific gift that is! Merry Christmas.
karisma said…
Looks great! SB would die for that! He is currently trying to convince me to do the rest of the back yard so he can stick a half pipe on it for the boys! (Im not convinced...another dangerous toy...I said he could do the front yard though.afterall its currently a carpark anyway!
Stan said…
Hey, wait a minute. Where's the snow? You shouldn't be able to do that right now.
Daddy Forever said…
Sending them over to my house. I need a concrete basketball court in the back yard.
Auntie E said…
Happy WW
Mine is up, Link is in my name
lareine said…
That's a great Christmas gift. I hope it will dry in time for the holiday visits to your place :)

Enjoy the holidays season!
DesLily said…
I wish you the Merriest of Christmas' Pam!
Susan Adcox said…
When I see this area, I see it covered with grandkids riding their scooters and trikes and whatever else they have with wheels. You just think you're going to get to park cars on it!
Indrani said…
That is wonderful. :)
Merry Christmas!
Shelby said…
the kiddos can ride and ride and ride in great big circles.. and you can park like 12 or 13 cars :)

Merry Christmas!!
Jane said…
Great post:) Merry Christmas and a happy new year, nice bright sky:)
Evan's Mom said…
That's a wonderful gift, everyone can enjoy it. Merry Christmas!
A new driveway and sidewalk make for a merry, merry Christmas. Congrats! Enjoy!
Carver said…
What a wonderful present. Happy Christmas.
Carole Burant said…
That's a Christmas present you will enjoy for years to come:-) Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, dear Pamela and may all your dreams come true during this magical season! xoxo
caite said…
A great Christmas gift...but so hard to wrap!
Intense Guy said…
You know that great big red bow they use in car commercials?? You need to borrow that... LOL!

That smooth cement looks great!

Merry Christmas!!!
grammy said…
nothing like practical
We need a front deck.... but we have a foot of snow, so guess we will wait.
Merry Christmas to you (o:
storyteller said…
What a wonderful practical gift you'll all enjoy for years to come!
Hugs and blessings,
My (almost) Wordless Wednesday
Janis said…
Now that is one bigggggg will really enjoy that. except if you have to shovel snow off of it. Merry Christmas Pamela and your family too!
JoeinVegas said…
Hope you at least left your handprints in it.
Will said…
That is quite the gift! It does look like that guy is standing right in the middle of wet concrete?

Happy WW and thanks for your visit!
BK said…
LOL! A really big present indeed.
SandyCarlson said…
Most excellent! Enjoy. God bless.
Talking about a big Christmas gift indeed! :)
Robin said…
You could etch a bow into it :).

Have a great Christmas.

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