Lost in the Jungle

Curlymop watching the leopard pace, through the viewing window - Portland Zoo

The summer has become an adventure. With Grandchildren.

I've been blessed with the opportunity to visit them all, and have some visit me.

For over a week I had my 12-year old Red-headed girl, 7-year old Goober, and 5-year old Curlymop.

Wednesday night I kissed two of them goodbye and sent them flying away home on a jet out of Portland International Airport

Curlymop is safe at home with her mommy in Portland.

Yesterday I headed home and was accompanied by Karmyn and her children . The Caboose and Jammin' rode with her and my passenger (and her 4 plus hours of jibber jabber) was Buttercup.

In the car:

Buttercup: (constant talking)
Grandma: What did you say honey?
Buttercup: I wasn't talking to you grandma, I was talking to myself.
Grandma: Ooooh.

I have another date with Curlymop in early August when Amanda drives the support vehicle for WR's bicycle trip on the Olympic peninsula.

Later in the month I have another week with grandchildren while their parents go to Hawaii for their wedding anniversary.

Last Sunday I had lunch and a few hours with two "old" school chums - including Phil, whom I hadn't seen in over 40 years. That was a kick!

Keeping busy with all the other things, too.

Hope to be back to blogging regularly this fall.


Kim said…
I've missed your posts, but am delighted to hear those grandkids are benefitting from some time with Grandma. Bet you're having a blast.
Robinella said…
There's nothing better than Grandmas. Glad to hear you've been having a good summer. :o)
LadyStyx said…
Glad you're having a wonderful summer. LOVE that picture!
Desert Songbird said…
I wish my kids could get that much time with their grandparents. You are so blessed, Pamela.
karisma said…
Yay! (((Pamela))) Ive missed you!

Fancy butting in on Buttercups private conversation with herself! Shame on you! LOL! I talk to myself all the time (well I think out loud a lot) the kids think its hilarious.

I absolutely love that photo of Curlymop, I have one similar of cameragirl when she was little with a tiger. Its gorgeous!
Amanda said…
And they love their Grandma so much.
Diane said…
Enjoy them! I'm enjoying mine too! There's all winter to blog, right?
willowtree said…
Sounds exhausting.
DesLily said…
ah.. it all sounds good! glad to see you didn't fall off the ends of the earth! Enjoy your summer!
You are a good Grandma! How lucky your children are..and Grands too! Making memories..nothing better! :)
Carla said…
Sounds like you're having a blast. I love the viewing window at the zoo. So much better than looking through bars.
Coffeypot said…
Welcome back...when you get back.
ChrisB said…
I've just seen my grandchildren and will be seeing the youngest two again in 2 weeks. Like you I treasure all the time I spend with them.
Shelby said…
you are making memories for your grandkids :)
tlawwife said…
I hope when and if I ever get to be a grandma my summer sounds like that.
MarmiteToasty said…
Sounds like your having a wonderful time with the grandkids, you will need a holiday after your summer break LOL

Be safe, and enjoy..

Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ What a great time you and the grands are having - making wonderful memories for you all.

I so enjoyed your July 4th post and the wonderful guest of honor and his great memories. Good timing on Independence Day.

Thanks for the One Smart Fellow etc tongue twister. I wonder do any of the younger folk try tongue twisters. I doubt it - it' a different time now. take care.
Love, Merle.
i've missed you!

sounds like it has been an eventful summer!
Unknown said…
Pamela this sounds like a perfect summer to me! Hope you're ears aren't too tired. :)
Kila said…
Sounds like fun.

My youngest is a talker like Buttercup!
Susie Q said…
I am so glad you are staying busy this way...I know you love each second and those grandchilkdren are so blessed by you. Just think of the sweet memories they no whave! And you too! : ) Summer is just so busy...just have fun!!

Jennifer said…
It's hard to blog in the summer; way too much going on!!
Swampy said…
That photo is just a wee bit disconcerting because I can't 'see the window !'
Wendster said…
I love the conversation with Curlymop ... it sounds like a conversation with my five year old son. lol

What a great summer you seem to be having! Excellent!

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