Isn't This Fun, Grandpa?

Snake River, July 25


Karmyn R said…
Yes! Especially when mom drives the boat!
LadyStyx said…
Looks like a great time!!!
Desert Songbird said…
Hmmm, who is having the better time????...
Heather Plett said…
Looks like fun to me!

I like how the water makes a zigzag pattern behind them.
karisma said…
It sure looks like fun!
bichonpawz said…
PRICELESS moments!!! Enjoy them!! They go by so very fast...
willowtree said…
I'd like to give that a try!!

you;ll love my WV - playwses
MarmiteToasty said…
LOL I clicked on the picture to make it bigger...... LMFAO the look on your hubbys face says it all :)

Shelby said…
We did that last week!! :)
ChrisB said…
Hahaha I did the same as Marmie and by the look on hubby's face I'm not convinced he's fully enjoying the experience. :) :)
grammy said…
You sure have been having fun with the grands. Isn't it wonderful?
kailani said…
You wouldn't catch me back there! LOL! Looks like they're having fun!
Unknown said…
Looks like pure joy to me!
Tiggerlane said…
That looks like SO MUCH FUN! Grandpa looks a little scared....teehee!
What a great sport! :)
Julie said…
I would do that in a heartbeat! But Grandpa looks like he might be a little concerned about Grandma driving the boat. :) I miss the days of going to the lake.
Gaynor said…
SO......what about Grandma??? Did you change places? You mean Grandpa didn't take a photo of you in the 'biscuit' (that's what we call them in Australia).
Intense Guy said…
That looks like a blast!

I want a ride! (even in the boat!)

Yup it DOES look like fun and brings back LOTS of memories too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Kila said…
Who fell off first?
Ingrid said…
That would be something for my better half too, being busy with a grandchild, but so far he is not grandpa yet, poor man, lol !
I thought of you yesterday evening I thought it's a long time I haven't heard from you and this morning I found your comment ! do you believe in telepathy ??
Susie Q said…
That looks like such fun!! I wanna go too! : ) Grace did this very thing a week ago and loved it. Her BBF's family took her with them to a lake up North and she came home wet, exhausted and happy...much like your sweeties too I know!
Yo got *wasped* too huh?? Ouch! I was out weeding, leaned onto the deck where the clematis vines are and one of those pesky buggers was in it. Ooh did it stink and, like you, the welt took a few days to go down! That will teach me to do any yard work won't it! *laugh*
Connie said…
Ohmygosh, sugar, I just found you!!! When I read you had a dust mop you didn't use you captured my heart! Squeeeeealllll.......ME EITHER. In fact, one of my mottos - I seem to have waaaaay too many - is that "I don't do dust." And then when I saw you were east of the Cascades and knew you were in my "neighborhood" I squealed even louder. (Love Bunny at this point is wondering what is going on here in my office. ;-) But I assured him everything is just fine.) Well, nice to meet you and I'm adding you to my Google Reader now so I don't miss another post from your dusty fingers, chick.
Wendster said…
Me next!

Wooo hooooooooooooooooooooo!

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