Art ?

IMG_8998 My neighbor bill brought this piece of art over to our house last week.

He sees me toting my camera everywhere - so he asked me to snap a picture of this masterpiece before it went away.

Looking at the close up above, one might never guess the medium on which it was created.

Apparently there was dust on the seat of a child's old metal chair that sits on his back porch.

Then it rained.

I think it was a mosquito larvae that wriggled itself until it died - or possibly survived long enough to mature.

What do you think?


Peter said…
Wherefore art it now Pamela?
Moms Musings said…
It looks like thread from elastic.
jill said…
What Cathy M said.
karisma said…
It looks more like wire left to rust to me. Elastic thread might work but it would have blown away or disintegrated before it left a mark. (But don't quote me! I know nothing! Just ask my kids! LOL They are trying to educate me really they are, but its a lost cause!)
Shelby said…
art of the larval kind.. interesting perspective.
Jenni said…
Very cool! I love looking at the patterns left in logs by insects.

Thanks for the card and the sweet note! What a nice thing to wake up to this morning:o)
Coffeypot said…
I think the chair is so old it’s showing it's DNA strain.
Hayden said…
I love it....
LadyStyx said…
I think someone got her codes fixed and is playing around with moving her pictures around... ;)
Intense Guy said…
That definitely is au naturale' art!

And I'm smiling to see that your blog is looking good!
heather said…
I think the pattern is beautiful, and I'm thankful you and Bill have eyes to see it and share it with us.
Desert Songbird said…
Hmmmmmm......*me thinking*
Heather Plett said…
That is VERY cool! Almost makes you want to figure out some way of applying a laminate coating to keep it that way!
grammy said…
Fun to look for art in everything. Better yet to take crazy digital pics and to be able to blog them.
bichonpawz said…
I'm thinking.....great modern art!! And also great material for blogging! Honestly, I haven't a clue...
Masago said…
Very cool, whatever it is!
Amanda said…
Looks like a Jacob's Ladder!
kailani said…
I thought it was a piece of elastic or thread. Pretty cool shot!
Tammy said…
Your guess seems good to me...amazing all of the art we have or comes out of just the nature God made, isn't it!
Gaynor said…
I agree with coffeepot! Trust all is going well Pam.
Dear pamela. That's wicked! Your neighbour is very talented. Seriously, I've been to the Centre Georges Pompidou (or something like that), it's the museum of modern art in Paris. And they stuff there is way more boring that than chair's pattern.
willowtree said…
We have a similar thing over here, and in fact in this case it's actually being sold as art.
Anonymous said…
Whatever made it, I really like it.
Christy Woolum said…
Art is in the eye of the beholder perhaps?
aussiechic said…
Defo a little worm...poor little thing!!!!! :) Either that or your mate is playing a joke on you!
ChrisB said…
I don't have a clue what created the pattern but it makes for an interesting photo.
Carla said…
Wow! I have no idea. That's a strange one.
Swampy said…
It reminds me of what one of our dogs pooped out one day after taking worm pills. Sorry. I just couldn't help myself.
It's been a long time since I could post something like that on a bud's glob, and I knew you wouldn't mind.
Gattina said…
I thought you took curled telephone wires for artwork, why not ? but looking at the chair I wonder how the bottom of the person who sat on it looks like now ?
Unknown said…
I'm totally clueless but I'm glad Bill brought it to you! How cool is that!!
Kila said…
I have no idea, but it's quite interesting. I was picturing it with some bright color added to the squiggles.
Karmyn R said…
It's cool and unique, whatever it is.
dawn said…
Very odd. It thought it was string at first, didn't realize it was a pattern. Coyotes travel in a zigzag when being chased but I am guessing there aren't little WHO coyotes.
Anonymous said…
I thought it was the stuff that is sold in many colors as filler for gift boxes and bags!

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