I SEE DEAD PEOPLE's plastic.

Why do I refuse to throw away any Tupperware?

In addition to what I purchased over the years, my cupboard contains the collections that belonged to my late mother, my late mother-in-law, and my late gram.

There is more plastic in the back of these deep shelves that the camera fails to reveal. (There is also plenty of saved bake ware and cookware I rarely use.)

A good psychiatrist would immediately point to a personality disorder that compels me to save lids and containers for which I can never find the mate.

However, a good blogging buddy will just compliment me on a great post.
(No therapy needed~)

Crunchy Bits is the host and the instigator of this week's confession. Go join the FUN!


willowtree said…
I love plastic containers too, and I've got cupboards full of the stuff to prove it.
Peter said…
However, a good blogging buddy will just compliment me on a great post.
(No therapy needed~)

Great post Pamela, my downfall is plastic icecream containers.
Gattina said…
I just try to analyze your psychical state. Have you sold tupperwear in the past or your ma or grandma ? I think you suffer from the Tupperwear complex !
and yes you have all my admiration for this great post, lol !
perhaps the lids to my tupperware are in your cupboards???

great post!

a good blogging buddy
Tammy said…
Hysterical, Pamela...
My mom has always done the same thing! It's called Plastic Lid Disorder...owning up is the first step...LOL
karisma said…
Collecting tupperware is an artform! All good artist do it! I swear!

Tupperware is far superior to all other plastic, it is generally airtight (I say generally coz some of the new stuff is shit!), it last forever (if it does not they replace it for free!) and it is purely wonderful, (even the shit loads that fall on you when you open a cupboard.

I do believe I have more tupperware than the tupperware lady! Now having said that, Im off to a party this Friday! I shall have to blog about it just for you! Shall I get you something while Im there?
Heather said…
I used to save every plastic butter container and lid - we might need it! My husband put an end to that practice, and we bought one of those container holders where all three size containers have the same size lid. I have to admit, I do love it!
DesLily said…
oh gawd.
the first sentence had me! I have tupperware from when my kids were babies and my oldest is 42!..

They weren't just kidding when they said they would outlast the cheap plastic containers! lol lol
Anonymous said…
I think I know where your lids are !
At least you don't have a cupboard full of Cool Whip and butter dishes, too !
Molly said…
Oh no, I suffer from the same disorder although my tops and bottoms are not as organized as yours.
Hootin Anni said…
Well, the psychiatrists would have a heyday with us all this Monday wouldn't he/she? I'd prefer a 'he' psychiatrist myself...more fun to look at. LOL [kidding]

Okay, you got it from this blogging buddy....what a great post!!!

and...got to add this, "Have a great Fun Monday".
Debs said…
I have a collection of plastic bowls with and with lids.

Great post! ;)
Susie said…
I used to be bothered by this too. When we remodeled the kitchen there just wasn't room for my "collection" so I the ones I saved all match. The rest went bye bye.
I enjoyed seeing yours though :)
Beckie said…
I have a very similar problem.

I see you have that green tupperware bowel - that is our puke bowel - we have two of them.

I made it my goal earlier this year to get rid of the all my dead people's plastic - it is a slow process for me.
Anonymous said…
Every now and then I do container lid match up day....then it isn't long until lids don't match anything, anymore and I start all over again. It's a vicious cycle/circle, whatever!

Thank you for sharing. Your cupboard looks so much neater than mine, Pam!
Robocop said…
You and Debs should talk and compare notes.
Anonymous said…
My husband wants to keep every plastic and glass container that comes in this house--sour cream, cottage cheese, peanut butter jar, etc. I have a rule that if there's no space, it goes. If there's no lid, it goes.
Tiggerlane said…
I like plastic containers, but my husband is always frying them by microwaving them too long, so I never have any! Which is a good thing, I guess...because otherwise, I would have a collection like yours, and NO space in the cabinets!
Ali said…
I'm sure I have some containers that would fit those lids .... ;-)
Anonymous said…
I have been looking for a lid like that one right there! =)

I just recently threw away all old lids and missmatched bowls. I am sure I will miss them soon.
Junebug said…
I like your title. Very fitting. I need to sort my tupperware and stuff out too. I buy plastic containers to store leftovers and then use them to reheat and they warp eventually. Then they get thrown away. But I did hear that plastic and food in the microwave was not safe so I am trying to stop that usage.
ChrisB said…
It's uncanny every post I read I can relate to. I didn't realise how much I kept *just in case* until now LOL
Rayne said…
I seem to magically attract tupperware and other plastic containers and I'm always trying to keep it organized. I toss out the old and stained and mismatched only to end up with new ones to deal with. When we lived in Germany and the movers packed us up to move us to our new flat there was a box I didn't recognize. I opened it and it was full of old tupperware of every shape and size and color. I questioned the mover and he said it was up in the attic and assumed we wanted it. I had never been up in the attic. It had obviously been left there by a previous tenant. I can just imagine her giggling to herself as she cleverly hides the box of evil self-perpetuating tupperware.
Alison said…
great post Pamela!!! my cupboard is overflowing also!!
MarmiteToasty said…
I keep the chinky take-away plastic containers that me lads get when they have a take-away.. BUT I use them to freezer left over chilli, shepherds pies etc in, and me old lad takes one out of the freezer every morning to zap for his lunch whilst at work....

Im with peter though I dont seem to be able to lob away the ice-cream containers lol

You should flog the tupperware on ebay :) some of the older stuff is a collectors paradise....

Come over and win something on Twaddle :)


Sauntering Soul said…
I think I see a couple of pieces in your stash that my mom has too!
storyteller said…
I’m soooooo relieved to know I’m not the ONLY one who saves stuph like this. When I look at the NEW Tupperware and am tempted to buy more, I remind myself I have no place to PUT any more containers and I barely use the ones I have … and sometimes it actually works. LOL
Hugs and blessings,
Cool whip dishes. Less expensive to replace when the kids take them to their houses and never return them. P.S. I would never be brave enough to show my tupperware cabinet.
Anonymous said…
I love plastic containers but I do not have as many as I would like to have
Anonymous said…
I go through my tupperware drawer periodically and toss anything that doesn't match. A great way to give those away inconspicuously (if that's your intent) is to make food for people... When a friend has a baby, I make them meals and take over tupperware. Boom, gone! Any such occasion is a good reason to make someone else food!
Anonymous said…
That is an impressive lid collection!

A toddler would enjoy your cupboard!
Betty said…
Your cabinets look about like mine. Now I don't feel so bad, lol.
Anonymous said…
Cleanse the cupboard. You'll feel so much better.
Gayle said…
Awhile back I took all those lids and ...moved them to a box on the floor of the kitchen. It took another 3-4 weeks to build up the courage to just throw them away. So afraid I'd find the container once I did!
kitten said…
I got 1 question. How do you keep you cabinets so organized?
Must be a woman thing. We have plastic from this and that and the other. One year I sent Cheryl on a trip while I took a bunch of her plastic junk and used it for target practice with the .22. She was not happy with me to say the least. I wouldn't dare try it again... she learned to shoot as well.
Desert Songbird said…
What a nightmare - your cabinets' contents look like mine! I think I'm STILL using some of my mom's old Tupperware, and she's been gone for 23 years.
Unknown said…
Aren't you funny! I periodically go through my stash and pitch anything that I can't find a mate for. Occasionally I find the mate later but we won't go there. :)
bichonpawz said…
I have cupboards that look like that too!! Heaven knows what I will ever do with it all, but I have it if I need it!
NariceatL4 said…
Oh it's so true! I have so much old tupperware! And, if I get the nerve to throw away a lid with no bottom or vise versa, I'll find the complement months later and want it back! Oh--and I used to collect glass containers up the wahzoo. They just became clutter clutter clutter...

Great post and photos! (And thanks for the link to Crunchy Bits--fun)

And thanks for popping in every once in a while to my poorly kept-up blog!
Christy Woolum said…
If you hear of the treatment for this disorder please let me know. My mother is soon going to need an addition on her kitchen to store her collection. lol.
Anonymous said…
I sold Tupperware for 10 years, and have bought a little since then. My first TW was stuff Sirdar had passed to him from loving family members.

As for your post:
I love the title, I love the beginning, the middle is fabulous and the ending beats all. Great post.

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