I saw the grin on his face when he walked through the door. At first I thought he was just a happy old fellow. A short conversation later I realized that he was slightly lost and considerably reality challenged. I pointed him towards his correct destination on the opposite side of the parking lot. He took two steps away then turned back. “You’re sure a nice lady,” he approached. “My name is Ernie. What’s yours?” “Pamela.” I told him as I shook his extended hand and attempted to smile; I hoped it did not reveal one of those “Oh dear, this is inevitable” grimaces. His eyes brightened – and he slipped into the chair beside my desk. “Oh, that’s a beautiful name,” he gushed. Then he put his hand over his heart. “Pamela is my soul-mate’s name,“ he said with a serious face and a deep sigh. “She’s in the Looney Bin. She shouldn’t be there, though. Someone was just jealous of her and that is why they put her there.” He added a few more sorry facts, and then looked at me expect...