Wordless Wednesday - Tongue In Cheek

Wordless Wednesday HQ!!


Anonymous said…
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Wendster said…
Ooooh! I get to comment first!

now ... if only I had something interesting to say. . . ...


I'm first I'm first I'm first!!!!!

heh heh ... *running in circles*

And that's a very good picture. His tongue looks like a tongue-ball or something.

good job.
Anonymous said…
Ha ha... Nice shot!
Anonymous said…
You probably couldn't get that picture again. Very cool pic!!
BlondeBlogger said…
Ewww, is that really his tongue?!!! Cute dog though.
Kristin said…
I love when dogs have speckled tounges. He's cute!!
Anonymous said…
Perfectly titled, Pamela...and the shot almost looks like it's in motion (glad it's not a "grooming" shot with that in mind ;) ).
Anonymous said…
Great pic. What was he doing, trying to get something out of his mouth?
maiylah said…
wonderful timing!
cute pet! :)
Anonymous said…
i wish i can get a shot like that, too! so cute! :)
chartao said…
oh gosh!!! what's that in the dog's mouth??
Anonymous said…
That is quite the tongue! I can't decide if it is all coloration or if there is something else going on there? Maybe I don't want to know? LOL!
D. Renee Bagby said…
What the heck was he licking when you took that? You put peanut butter on the rough of his mouth, didn't you? Shame. ;P

Happy WW!
eastcoastlife said…
Is that chocolate on his tongue?
Firefighter said…
Happy WWNice post
Jenileigh said…
Neat! Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
healthy dog!

happy WW!
Milk Mama said…
Haha great name for this photo! I love the header photo! Happy WW! Thanks for commenting on my blog!
karisma said…
Haha! this reminds me of an old picture of Cameragirl and Maxi when they were both little. Except in ours the tongue looks like its about to go up CG's nose. Its very funny!
ChrisB said…
Clever title and a great shot.
Anonymous said…
Lick those chops!! Good one, Pamela. Happy WW.
Ingrid said…
That can only be after tasting ice cream, lol !
Anonymous said…
That's cute! Looks as if it's tongue is entangled :P
Anonymous said…
Great action shot! Looks like he's really busy!
frapr said…
talk about tongue twisting, eh? :)

MarmiteToasty said…
Oh what a great shot lol........

Kelly Curtis said…
That's awesome, Pamela! You're becoming quite the photographer!
Anonymous said…
Awesome shot! It wasn't easy i guess :)
Anonymous said…
At first I thought he had a ball in his mouth! It's neat that you managed to capture this unusual point in the licking of the chops process. Happy WW.
Anonymous said…
looks like it's dinnertime!

happy ww. :)
Joyful Days said…
Wow! Bet you can't get that exact shot again. :)
Joyce said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Pamela. :)

I enjoy doggie shots; yours is so fun.
Anonymous said…
Uhm, cute?
carrie said…
eww~ that's weird!
Anonymous said…
It looks as if he was trying to get a drink of water. Cute dog!
HartofDixie said…
How cute. Happy WW!
Linda said…
Whatever he was eating must have been awfully tasty.
Anonymous said…
Any new pics from yesterday's bird excursion?
Carletta said…
Hi Pam,
Thanks for coming by.
Just love how you captured the contrasting colors on his tongue.
Wonderful photo!
Anonymous said…
What a cool shot. I have a couple of Roxy licking her chops.

Happy WW.
Junebug said…
Good stuff, whatever it was! :D
Anonymous said…
Great photo. That is quite the tongue.
Lori Watson said…
Beautiful dog, not so beautiful tongue,lol!

Thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous said…
What a great shot and title. Happy WW
Raven said…
Cool shot and perfectly captioned. Happy Wordless Wednesday.
Susie Q said…
Love the dog, love the shot, love the title! You have become such a wonderful photographer! I love it!

Cool shot -- the title makes it even better!
Barb said…
I think someone needs a toothpick. :)
TorAa said…
Great capture
another awesome shot.

i just love your eye.
Christina said…
LOL! The literal definition of "tongue in cheek!"
Sandy said…
Perfect title for a great picture! Was the peanut butter chunky or smooth?
PAT said…
Great shot and title!

katy said…
what a tongue, I thought it was a ball, brilliant.
Anonymous said…
hahaha! that's tongue in cheek alright! :D

enjoy the rest of the week! :)
Debs said…
What a great pic.
Anonymous said…
WOW! What a wild photo. One of the best this week.
Anonymous said…
How'd he dodat?
Kila said…
Is he yours? The photo is so life-like, I want to pet him!
Anonymous said…
That's a great shot! I love pictures of dogs. Happy WW!
Robert said…
What a great shot. I love doggies!
Joy T. said…
That's talent to catch a dog mid slurp. Great pic!
Cathi said…
Great dog!!
Dogs always seem to have pink and black tongues.
Thanks for visiting my WW.
Betty said…
That's an interesting picture. Makes me wonder what the dog was trying to do with his tongue.

Nice choice for WW.
Unknown said…
What a quick trigger finger you have. :) I love his pretty marbled tongue! What's he drooling over? An innocent bunny?
LadyNoor said…
I kept staring at the photo for a few minutes, couldn't quite figure out if it's a tounge. It looks like a pink and brown slobbered ball to me :D...

Thank for commenting on my fellow, The Handsome Kookaburra, and I'm sorry to hear about the gold fish...

Happy (belated) WW! :)
Jenni said…
What a crazy shot! You did give him peanut butter, didn't you?
Anonymous said…
literally! hahaha
great shot.
**"Liza"** said…
Great timing! I could never do that..;) Happy WW!

My so called life
Anonymous said…
Cute dog....:) Not sure what to make of his tongue? (I think) Happy WW!!

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