Wordless Wednesday - Peg Leg

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Canon Powershot

Because some of you asked: I didn't realize he/she only had one leg until after I downloaded the photograph. So, I can't answer the question - Is he one legged, or is it tucked up?

He was sitting on my backyard fence admiring the bird feeders. Looking for dinner ?


Kelly Curtis said…
He's gorgeous! Wow!
Anonymous said…
That is so cool. Great photo.
Anonymous said…
Lovely shot!!!
Anonymous said…
Hawks are such proud and fierce birds. Great shot!
Desert Songbird said…
Great shot. I wonder, did he lose the leg, or is it just "hidden?" Amazing balance.
I love birds of prey! This one would look great beaded, like my beaded owl. Anyways, thanks for stoppin by. Cheers from Boston! :D
Firefighter said…
Good morning, beautiful shot and happy wordless Wednesday. Thanks for the comment.
Ingrid said…
My son has the same look when I talk when he is worried that I could say something stupid. In his eyes apparently I do it a lot, lol !
Anonymous said…
Nice shot! How long did she sit there?
Shari Ellen said…
His feathers are so beautiful.
Eds said…
Great shot here! happy WW!

Anonymous said…
Nice photo! Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
Oh my, does the hawk really have just one leg? If so, he certainly seems composed and unconcerned about it. Happy WW.
SandyCarlson said…
What a beautiful bird.
Anonymous said…
Is the other leg just tucked inside or does he really have only one leg? Cool shot!
ChrisB said…
Very majestic. You'll have to satisfy everyone's curiosity about the 'leg'!
Anonymous said…
Pamelaaaaaaaaaaaaa, What a fantastic picture! There is something absolutely, positively unexpected about a one-legged hawk on a fence. For some reason, I just LOVE it! (can you tell??!)
MammaMayMiller said…
a very amazing, regal bird... Stunning shot!!
Anonymous said…
How can one bird look so stern, yet so beautiful?
Anonymous said…
beautiful shot of a very beautiful bird! a hawk! i'm so envious! :)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful. What a proud looking bird.
carrie said…
he looks so dignified!

happy wednesday
BarnGoddess said…
what a beauty!!!!

look at those feathers....simply gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
did you photoshop that?


A guy comes in our shop sometimes and they call him "Peg Leg", yes even to his face. He refers to himself as peg leg as well. ??

He doesn't have a peg leg, but he does have a limp
Anonymous said…
That is an amazing shot. One of my goals is to get a good photo of a bird. Happy WW...
It looks like he has a peg leg. Arrrrgh maties!
Hard to say, but I'm guessing it's tucked. Seen a fair few birds pull that one off.
I vote for tucked in. What a terrific shot! :D
Claudia said…
What a beautiful creature!!
Betty said…
Peg leg or not, he/she has good balance, lol.

Nice choice for WW
Robert said…
What a great picture. I love birds of prey. I'd say I wish I had one land on my fence as well, but we have a small cat that wouldn't enjoy such a visit!
Stephanie said…
You've done it again! A breathtaking shot of a beautiful creature. :)

Feel free to stop by my WW post if you have time.
Joy T. said…
I say tucked up and resting. He's gorgeous though and what a beautiful picture!!
eastcoastlife said…
A hawk in your garden! that's cool! I'm surprised it has one leg. :)
Rising Rainbow said…
It looks one legged to me which makes the picture all that more meaningful.
Tammy said…
Wow, what a great picture! Beautiful!

Thanks for visiting my WW!
your birdie shots are always fantastic, and this one does not disappoint!
Marsha said…
Terrific shot! Now I'm gonna wonder all day about the mystery surrounding his missing leg!
Kim said…
Really great pic. He's gorgeous.
Irishcoda said…
What a handsome bird, one-legged or not!
Unknown said…
How wonderful! I love his frilly edges. Poor thing about the leg though. :( Hope he can still hunt with one leg. Maybe you should stun some mice for him.
Sandy said…
Beautiful photo!
Robinella said…
Funny little birdie! Nice photo.
Gwen said…
Hi Pamela.
I have been so slack haven't blogged or answered any for so long.
But here I;m trying to make amends
I love the owl,not sure if the leg is missing or as you say just tucked in.
Leeann said…
What a beautiful bird!
M@ said…
He's one-legged.

(You should have seen the OTHER bird!)
Megan said…
Thanks for stopping by!

Great shot! I love watching them on my way to school in the morning.
Kila said…
Hmmm, I think he really is one-legged.

Gorgeous photo :)
Anonymous said…
WoW..this is a very beautifully captured shot!
Anonymous said…
Great photo and to think that beautiful bird was on your fence. I would say that one leg it tucked up..but I'm not going to check.
Serina Hope said…
You have so much talent. That is one regal bird.
Kaytabug said…
What a fantastic photo!
I'm hoping it's just tucked up, but even if it is missing it looks healthy and unaffected by it's possible handicap.
Anonymous said…
Mom has a sharp-shinned hawk hanging out around her bird feeders. She hasn't witnessed the hawk dining on songbirds, but she has found leftovers on two occasions.

Love the grandkid's artwork. Buttercup's picture looks 'exactly' like the vinca blooming in my backyard!
Walker said…
Dang, Pamela. You're are brilliant.
Attie said…
Neat!! I hope he has two legs!!
Wendster said…
Sharp shinned hawk?


ONE shinned hawk?

hee hee

I hope it's two.
Wendster said…
... just read your limericks! HA.
Magnificent Bird and great capture !
thanks for visiting me
My Little Drummer boys
Wow -- great shot. I too am wondering about the leg :-) Great limericks! I never could write those!
Kila said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DesLily said…
hmmm, maybe you could draw him a little crutch just to be on the safe side?? heh..
Kelly Curtis said…
How do you get the copywrite wording on your shot? You techno-wiz, you!
my4kids said…
Wow thats a great shot!

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