June is History
Our house was chaos the past few months.
A new patio was built and some inside stuff fixed because the walls had to be opened to inspect damage.
And our third grandchild graduated from high school. I pulled up this photo that I took with my digital zoom from across a huge auditorium to share and just now read the caption on one of his neighbor's mortar board.
(This was nothing like High School Musical)
Jammin' is heading off to college this fall. He got a good scholarship and will be studying Physics, or possibly Astro Physics. He's not entirely sure. Not being sure is an acceptable position to me.
In June I also drove to Oklahoma with two siblings. It was a brother's 83rd birthday and his 60th wedding anniversary. Many friends and family surprised them. It was lovely. And, a long drive.
Then a few weeks ago, with major help from my 14 year old grandson Zbub, I stayed at a daughter's small farm to take care of the place while they were gone. Interesting that Zbub was scared of the broody hens. There are around 35 rabbits, some turkeys, some ducks, lots of chickens, some pigeons, three cats, one dog, and one guinea pig! It was a lot of work and yet fun. Zbub was still asleep getting up early to take care of the rabbitry!
Last week my husband and I drove to California. There we visited with yet another brother and his wife who now live in Chico, CA (After losing everything to the Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise.) We drove up there to view the devastation. An artist has spray painted some fantastic work at various places around town. This crying angel is on the basement wall of the remains of their church.
And then, wouldn't you know it, driving home we actually had to drive through a canyon that was on fire. (The name of the fire was Milepost 97.) Around the curves beyond this photo we saw the firefighters and the flames. I just couldn't get a decent photo. My eyes burned fiercely.
Our mood was lifted when we came across this ski boat being towed on the interstate highway.. I think the owner must have had a very bad experience water skiing.
And I will end with an obligatory kitten photo. My grandson Caboose talked his mommy into saying YES. Kirby is a sweet kitty and I approve.