More Conversations ….With


Grandma: Dinkum -- let me give you a hug and a kiss
Dinkum, 5 1/2: If you have Fifty-five bucks.


Z-bub, 7 1/2, shares his brother's  belief that he’s too old to be kissing grandma. The other day I was showing him one of those cute videos on U-tube with dogs and cats. I was completely caught off guard when he leaned against my shoulder and put his fingers up my head and began to caress my hair.  I never said a word… just enjoyed the moment.

Dinkum: "What does Hallelujah mean?"
Mom:  Well, it’s like being thankful and full of praise.  A word for worship.
Dinkum:  “Then why does that one song say it's raining men, hallelujah?”

Dinkum: "Grandma! We had chinese food."
Grandma: Yum!  What food did you eat?
Devo: I had chicken on a stick, pineapple chicken and spilled water.


Saw this picture on another forum recently and felt I had to post it in honor of Dinkum.  It speaks for itself.
rocket fuel

Caboose will be 5 in May. His father's family are all TALL. Three of his Uncles range well above 6 feet as does his dad. His auntie Annette is 6' also. Her 14 year old is over 6 ft and another twenty something cousin is at least 6'8".

So when I took my 4’11” sister to visit at his house couple of weeks ago, the Caboose peaked out the window and gasped, "Look Mama... she's the same size as grandma!"


Curlymop, 8, walked to the store with her mom after school and they bought some Swedish Fish.  On their way home she chastised her mom for buying junk food.

 "Mom," she instructed, " I think when we get home that I should have a reasonable snack."  

Grandchildren's Friends

Peppy, age 4:   I want to have Curlymop’s last name!
Mama:  What is it about Curlymop's last name that you like?
Peppy:   Because it is  Curlymop ....Ruby...Parker... Come ...Here!

….and Grand Old Dames

(Auntie Fern who will be 104 in April and is certainly nearly deaf.)

A young nurses Aide:  Hi Fern! How are you today?
Fern: I'm 100, and I'm going to live another 100 years just to torment you.


Ingrid said…
How nice you showed up again ! I laughed through your whole post ! Nothing is better then children's remarks ! I have to wait a little, grandson Toby just learned to say "No" and uses it all the time of course !
Thanks for the smiles! I have missed you! Hope you have spring there! :)
Jan said…
Love these conversations.
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Jill said…
ha! thanks for posting! I moved over to bloglovin instead of google readers since it is going away in the summer, and am thrilled to see your posts popping up! The auntie fern one made me snort.
JoeinVegas said…
Aunt Fern probably will.
Desert Songbird said…
These all brought smiles to my face. :)
Desert Songbird said…
These all brought smiles to my face. :)
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Wendster said…
Those all made me laugh .... except for the one where your grandson (not sure which one? The 7 1/2 yr old?) started caressing your hair. THAT was BEAUTIFUL. I love those wonderful kid moments :D siiiigh

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