Number 11 ... A New Grandson
Curlymop is so pleased to be a big sister. Her baby brother, Squeak, was born on June 8, 2012 weighing 8 pounds 13 ounces. He gave us a big scare when he entered the world - breathing problems. Fortunately, he was in a hospital that had a superb medical staff that figured out the problem. Within 16 hours he was back in his mother's arms. Because of that early complication he has seen his pediatrician twice since birth. On day four they noted that he weighed almost 9 pounds. Then on day ten he had grown to 10 pounds 8 ounces. Newborns rarely sustain their birth weight the first week, and often lose weight. I've accused his "mama" (my daughter) of being a Jersey Girl. If you know anything about butter fat, you'll know I'm not referring to any of those reality shows. We are all very happy.