Conversations With Grandchildren

7 Year old Buttercup:  Grandma, can I sleep with you tonight?

Grandma:  Sure!
(the two crawl into bed)

Buttercup: I won't be able to hear my alarm in my bedroom.  Do you have an alarm, Grandma?  Mine starts slow then goes fastlikethis if I don't get up and turn it off.  gab gab gab gab gab.  I can tell my right hand from my left hand because I know which hand I put over my heart by heart.  So when someone asks me  which is my right hand I just put it over my heart and I know which one it is.  gab gab gab gab gab.  I liked the honey that you put on my peanut butter sandwich.  I couldn't even taste the peanut butter you put so much honey on it.  It was good.  gab gab gab gab gabWhen I'm getting ready to go to school Jammin' comes in to the room and just talks talks talks talks and I have to tell him to go away because I'm getting ready for school.   gab gab gab gab gab. We're having pet share at school this week and I want to take Brownie Bunny.  I asked mama but she said that I can't ask you to bring Brownie to school because it is too much responsibility for you grandma.  Is it too much responsibility for you?  Because I want to take Brownie to share. gab gab gab gab gab. The last time you came to visit you left your toothpaste in the bathroom.  I tried it and it was so spicy that it burned my tongue.  It is still in the drawer in my bathroom and you can use it now that you are here again. gab gab gab gab gabI want to make that recipe that I showed you in the library book that I brought home.  We need to make it tomorrow because I have to take that book back to the library.  I can write a list and you can go to the store and then we can bake it when I come home from school  gab gab gab gab gab  Did you see that girl without a coat at my swim lesson when you took me?  She didn't have a coat because she said a bum stole her coat.  Why do you suppose a bum stole her coat? gab gab gab gab gab

Grandma:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Amanda said…
That sounds about right!!!
Karmyn R said…
Oh darling daughter....and you wonder why I'm tired all the time.
Coffeypot said…
Best sound in the world to go to sleep by.
Sandy said…
different definitions of sleep,eh? and what recipe did you make today?
Jan n Jer said…
Oh she sounds like our little Holly, non stop chatter...from one subject to the other...Such precious moments being shared with your grandaughter...enjoy!
Peter said…
That could well be a description of a visit by my good friend Warren... except of course for the location!!!
C... said…
So that explains it... i've been very tired and this whole week my son has dozens of things to say to me. It never fails when I want to talk he says I am nagging him but when I am ready for some quiet time, he's all chattery.
Living Life said…
So precious! I just love to hear the little ones talk and hear what they have to say. They are so innocent and cute! She will always remember this moment with her grandma!
JoeinVegas said…
Oh Grandma - to fall asleep in the middle of that . . .
Wake up and pay attention Grandma..these times pass too quickly. I hope that Karmyn is doing thoughts are with you and her too:)
sallywrites said…
That's funny! :)
Don't ya just love 'em???

Have a great day sweetie filled with warm wonderful blessings!!! :o)
Intense Guy said…
Oh my.. this post is adorable. :)

Spicy toothpaste? I'm afraid to ask if was actually toothpaste and not something else.

Sounds like your grands will always remember their granny - I just hope it's not the snoring part!

You going to help "share" the bunny? :)
chrisb said…
Your conversations with Buttercup are priceless! I love them.
Diane said…
What more could a Grandma ask for?
Hayden said…
oh my.... it's so adorable but.... oh my..... zzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Susie Q said…
Nothing more sweet or priceless! I love those conversations but I also remeber trying to stay awake DURING them! *laugh*

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