Conversations with Grand Children

At lunch time today the conversation took a strange turn when we began talking about cows.

Grandma:  When I was a little girl we raised cows.
5 year old Z-bub:  Who won?
Grandma (confused):  Who won what?

Z-bub:  Who won when you raced cows?


Janis said…
LOL...I love it!!!
Coffeypot said…
Tell him, 'The one in the front.'
darkfoam said…
haha ...
well? who won?? ;)
Jan said…
Love this kind of conversation. Hope you're taking notes.
Sandy said…
I have heard that if you lay down in a cow pasture, the cows will make a circle around you. Maybe you can get him to try
Peter said…
Is that a Southern accent gettin in the way??
Intense Guy said…

Your little snickerdoodles must be a true delight to have around!
I can imagine the look on your face..gotta love a five year old! Merry Christmas Pamela:)
grammy said…
that is a good one!
they can come up with some crazy things (o:
Living Life said…
Glad you documented this one! It is one for the books! LOL
Unknown said…
LOL! Too cute! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Kila said…
LOL, love it!
chrisb said…
Too funny LOL

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