Favorite Photos for Fun Monday

I don't have a favorite photo.  But Faye, acting on her duty as Fun Monday Host, asked that we share our favorite old family photo.  So here I am and this is the one I have chosen.

The one above is a favorite family photo from when I was a little girl. Favored because my mom, dad, and all my brothers and sisters were together for the pose.

In the upper left is my sister Nelda who died from leukemia in 1994. She was always beautiful.  The two oldest brothers, Ron and Tom, are wearing identical suits.  No. They are not twins. Interestingly, they appear much the same today. They look pretty fantastic in their suits at the ages of 74 and 75.

My sister Sandra is wearing a dress that I loved.  She is also wearing a Lauren Bacall expression. Today, Sandra is my favorite breast cancer survivor! And, she still has that Bacall attitude!

On the lower left, Mike has a mischievous grin on his face and I suspect he is poking Trish in the back of her best blue dress.  He would do the same thing today if you stood in front of him in a photo.  Trish is the one who has the grace and forgiveness to stand in front of him and believe that he won't do it again.

On the opposite side you can see Nick is wearing a silly bow tie and a more solemn expression.  If he'd have poked me in the back I would have turned around and decked him.  Don't let that peculiarly shy act in that dainty little pink dress with lace trim fool you.

My mother was wearing a familiar style of dress.  All the years that she and dad were married, mom wore polka dots because dad was fond of them.

And Dad?  He was just worried about getting back to milk the cow.

I'd love to see your old black and whites.  Post them and check in at Summit Musings


Coffeypot said…
Ya know, I don't think there is a family photo of all of us together. Our age range was so great that we never...oh well, there isn't one.
darkfoam said…
great photo!! and even better is the description that goes with it. i really need to get a new scanner! my old one bit the dust apparently and won't scan anymore.
Janis said…
Great photo Pam...dont you sometimes wish you could go back to those days!!!! Large families were very common back in the day!
Sayre said…
I come from a big family too - and it's amazing how hard it is to get everyone looking in the same direction much less smiling or not pulling a face.

This is a wonderful picture, Pamela!

My post will hopefully be up shortly... Blogger doesn't like me this morning!
Living Life said…
You have a nice size family there, Pamela! What a great memory and photo!
joanygee said…
I'm always fascinated when folk have brothers and sisters as I was the 'only one' in our family.
You must have had some great times.
Thanks for sharing.
Jan said…
Love hearing about each family member. I love that your Mom wore polka dots, for your Dad's sake. My Dad loved plaids; when I see a great plaid, I think of him.
Jill said…
Wish I had had a sister. Glad you got to experience both!
heather said…
What a fun family shot!

Chris's great aunt brought some old (much, much older than this one) photos around a couple of weeks ago. It was fun to get to know his family that way.
Kim said…
What a wonderful photograph. Such a good looking family! I must admit to a bit of sister jealousy. I always wanted a sister, but have only one sibling, a brother. I thought I'd give my daughter a sister to make up for it...but my lovely daughter has two brothers. Ah, well. Girlfriends had to do!
Faye said…
The Waltons! Just teasing--this is a beautiful family portrait and I love the inside stories. One thing I'm halfway remembering from a previous post was that your mother was a ruthless bang trimmer with her own style of barbering--not bowls on your heads but something along that line? Just remembered that from little sis front left's bangs.
Sandy said…
I love the polka dot story. Do you suppose that's why our parents' marriages lasted so long? The little things? Maybe we should - no wait, I can't go braless in black leather to work. Never mind.
Intense Guy said…
That is a beautiful picture with such a hardwarming story.

How many cows did pop have to milk?

You are such a cutey pie!!

Molly said…
Pamela, Thank you for introducing me to your family. A picture with the whole family together is a treasure.
Unknown said…
This is a great choice! You were a doll and you still wear your hair short, have you always? I too love Polka Dots and find it charming that your mom wore them for your dad. Such a sweet family!
grammy said…
What a big handsome family. I always wanted a big family. There were only three kids in mine...I was the baby (o: My Dad died when I was 3 and Mom was alone the rest of her life. Her choice. I need to scan some old pictures. There are not that many really. By the way your Mom was beautiful. I am sure she was a hard worker if there were cows to milk you probably lived on a farm (o:
I took a picture of a bird on our last mountain trip...thinking of showing it off to you. It is so dark...I tried to fix it (o: Blue something... trying to rob us of our food (o:
Karmyn R said…
I love that photo too.
Hayden said…
"mom wore polka dots because dad was fond of them."

(smile) how sweet is that! Love the photo!
Kila said…
Great photo, and great post to go with it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
bichonpawz said…
Beautiful photo Pamela and love the polka dot story!!!
Peter said…
Well the baby of eight, no wonder you turned out so well your parents had plenty of practice at raising their kids by the time your turn came.
You are the baby! I would never have guessed it! What a lovely old photo..you know that I love them all..they speak volumes for us in our old age. I loved your running commentary..such a nice big family..we milked cows too..so yes your life was ruled by the cows. I also love that your Mother wore Polka Dots to please your Dad. Great post Pamela..:)
Gattina said…
My family picture would be much smaller ! Only the three of us. I was (and am) an only child.

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