Regular or Decaf

Last week.
The telephone conversation began:

Amanda: Curlymop! Grandma is on the phone. Come and tell her what you got today.

Curlymop gets on the phone: Hi Gwama.

Gwama smiles through the phone: Hi Curlymop! Do you have something to tell me?

Curlymop: I got this today. See?

Amanda in background: Tell her what it is.

Curlymop: One plus two is three.

Gwama: Oh! You're learning how to add numbers?

Amanda in background: Tell her what two and two is.

Curlymop: Four. And when I'm nine I can drink Coffee.


Ian said…

My 8- AND 10-year olds drink coffee. And the scary thing is, it makes them much more pleasant to be around in the mornings. What kind of monsters have I created in my ultra-caffeinated state? LOL
Anonymous said…
Makes perfect sense to me, Gwama. Now, please pass the sugar because two plus two is um...just pass the sugar.
ChrisB said…
Gwama you have such wonderful conversations with Curlymop! I'm off to visit my grandchildren on Thurs.
Anonymous said…
too funny

being 9 is a very important age you know.
Attie said…
OOHh that is just adorable!!!!
Susie said…
I just love talking to the Grands on the phone as you never know what they'll say. Wait till they're old enough to start texting on your cell. That's also a challenge figuring it out!
Tammy said…
Wow...I better not tell my oldest who is now nine! She is always wanting sips of my mochas...

Curlymom sounds adorable! :)
Anonymous said…
Who can argue that logic? Too absolutely frigging cute.
So cute. But I'm wondering, when will they start dating?
Unknown said…
Ah Curlymop, so sweet. Tell her coffee will stunt her growth. :)
Anonymous said…
I love your Curlymop stories, Pam!

Gabi drinks Starbucks...well..she gets sweetened frothy cream and a little topping with chocolate and calls it coffee.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Very cute.
Anonymous said…
Wow, they really start young these days. hee hee
Susie Q said…
Well of course! Doesn't everyone know that?

Nothing is more wonderful than talking to little ones.Oh the things I heard when I taught pre-school! I could write a book...but a lot of people would be terribly embarrasses. Hm...maybe i SHOULD write a book! *laugh*

Peter said…
Kids say the darnedest things, well to Art Linkletter and you anyway.
Sabrina said…
Well, I sure know I don't function very well without my java. . .
Desert Songbird said…
Tee hee! She's adorable.
Carole Burant said…
Out of the mouths of babes! hehe My little next door neighbour is now 9 and she's been drinking coffee for years...when I was little my mom wouldn't let me drink coffee until I was 16!! lol xoxo
M@ said…
When do you let her start smoking?
karisma said…
Oh how precious! That is too funny!
Debs said…
Think she will remember when she is 9, that she can drink coffee? Kids seem to remember those sort of things. :)
A Spot of T said…
LOL so cute! Love the "Gwama" too.
darkfoam said…
yep, i think my youngest was around 9 when i discovered him drinking a cup of coffee which was being offered free of charge at our local ymca. i had taken both my sons swimming and while they were waiting for me in the lobby that is how they both spent their time. except that my oldest was 15, at the time.
Wendster said…
I love how the progression in children's conversations makes such obvious sense to them, and is so random to us.

What a cutie.

Can she really drink coffee at nine?

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