Comparing Canines

Hoss is a model. ( See him stylin' HERE.)

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Anonymous said…
BEAUTIFUL mug shot! ;)
willowtree said…
I'll refrain from stating the obvious.
Amanda said…
Wow, he's HUGE!!! And beautiful! I love the clothing he is sportin in the link, too. Very cute!!
Desert Songbird said…
He's looking very cool in that shirt, but $60?!?!?! Wow!
Clarence said…
He looks like a big dog! And it looks like his smiling for the camera too. Cool shot. :)
Rizza said…
oh my! your dog is sooo big! nice pic...
He looks very happy and so do you.
Cute shirt he is wearing LOL

My WW is up
My Little Drummer Boys
Anonymous said…
He sure is stylin' in his hoodie!!
You both have beautiful smiles.
And what a very BIG and happy dog he is too.
Anonymous said…
I would love the shuffle that dog's face and give it a huge hug :)
Wow he is a great model, too! Did they let him keep the outfit?
Amila Salgado said…
He looks a happy dog.
Greetings from Sri Lanka!
smarmoofus said…
Ooh, he's gorgeous in that shot where he's modeling the hoody! Is that a normal thing to say about a dog? I think it isn't.

Anyway, happy WW!
BNS said…
You should get him a business card with his photo on it that says" Hoss, Top Model." :-D

i'm just glad that wt refrained from stating the obvious.

you two are so cute together! ;-)
Anonymous said…
Big beautiful dog, he looks so happy!
Anonymous said…
Ooh, can I have his autograph . . . I mean his paw print?
Anonymous said…
Great shot. Hoss looks like he's used to getting what he wants though... :)
Happy WW!
Firefighter said…
Great shot, is that a horse!
Anonymous said…
What a nice couple you make!
Anonymous said…
He really is a model! He looks cute in that shirt!
Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
That is a BIG dog!

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
I want to scratch that puppy dogs ears! Too cute. You're cute too, I just don't want to scratch your ears. No offense........

My WW is up!
DesLily said…
is he named after Hoss of Bonanza fame?? (loved him)..

great shot!!
Anonymous said…
that's a huge dog! but look at his puppy face.. awww.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh what a cute dog! I want him for my own! Haha! Seriously, wearing that shirt? Unbelievably adorable.

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
I think it was Harry Truman who said, "If you want a friend in life, get a dog."
Anonymous said…
Oh, my gosh! He really is a model (and quite photogenic, I must say!).
Wendy said…
Hoss sure is a big boy!

Re My Nemesis, it is blooming grass!
Gives a much better perspective to see him with you! Great shot. :D
Anonymous said…
Avoid that tongue at all costs.
storyteller said…
Today’s is a fun photo … and yesterday’s pastel clouds are very ‘kewl’ indeed! I’ve finally posted mine at Small Reflections this afternoon.
Hugs and blessings,
Debs said…
Great pic. I love his face!
Coffeypot said…
Which one is Hoss?
Bonnie B said…
What great smiles-- and nice white teeth
mimi11460 said…
Huge dog lovable..Millions smile of
certainly proud owner...see you in my blog..Thanks.
Betty said…
Hi Pamela,

I like the picture you have chosen for WW. I hope you have had a good day. My grandson has had my computer tied up most of the day and night. Anyway, about the deer. We haven't noticed them eating the flowers. So far they have only bothered our tomatoes.
Kila said…
Aww, great photo!

I see Karmyn in you!
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela. Ohhh I just love your boxer and he smiling for the camera, there truly gentle giants....
Anonymous said…
oohh man he loks quite um..Big!!
karisma said…
Im with Karmyn! Slobber patrol! Ahhhhhh! I have to ask though, what on earth does it cost to feed this sweet monster???? Looks kinda hungry????

But seriously! Kiss kiss kiss! Very cute! (But not halfway cute as the caboose!)
Wow. Funny he's so huge and yet he looks like a real sweetheart.
Junebug said…
My God what a beautiful pair you make!!!
Anonymous said…
That pup is HUGE and you are beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Ha, you weren't kidding - he is a model! What a gorgeous dog! I love your blog - thank for stopping by...
Kelly Curtis said…
You are a nut. And beautiful.
Anonymous said…
That's a big dog! Wow, what a head. A gentle giant I bet.

Thanks for stopping by my site. :)
BlondeBlogger said…
Awww, he's adorable!!!! I love him just from his picture!
Anonymous said…
He is a great model. I don't think he and his owner look alike...., much;-). Great photo.
Jodi said…
Well, so much for getting that breed of puppy... he's bigger than my whole house!! ;-)

He sure is handsome...
Tammy said…
Oh cute of both of you...and he does look like his name is Hoss! :D
Anonymous said…
Now that's what I call a security system! I'd hate to meet him in the dark.

You though, my dear, look mahvelous :).

Canines and all!
Kaytabug said…
Someone named him appropriately!!
He is a cutie pie and you are beautiful!!
MarmiteToasty said…
Now if only you had stuck your tongue out in that photo it would be like twins LMFAO

just teasing....... what a beautiful photo...... of you both... I hope your marriage lasts a lifetime *s* lol

Shelby said…
Awesome photo!!!!
AfKaP said…
Well, you don't look anything alike, are you sure you are related?
Cute picture! And you have lovely skin! What's your secret? Do share!!!!
Rurality said…
Wow, cool dog! He looks huge!
Wendster said…
Your dog? Or you just bumped into this star while you were out on your walk?

Or maybe he came to your house for crumpets and tea? The rich and famous all stop at Pamela's house for tea and crumpets, don't you know.
Wendster said…
p.s. You look great!

What a dazzling smile and perfect skin.
Gorgeous big guy! I have a 'petite' 100 lb female version - same colour too! She's just as much a sweetheart as he looks.
Anonymous said…
Okay, that doggy is ginormous!! But he looks like a big sweetie!

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