Wordless Wednesday -Everybody DUCK!

Female Common Merganser, and Mallard pair.
Canon Powershot s2


catsynth said…
I like how you captured the ducks in "action", so to speak :)

Happy WW, and thanks for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
wow! duck must be today's craze...hehehe....nice shot! happy ww!

mine is here WW
maiylah said…
nice catch! reminds me of synchronized swimming ... :)
happy WW!
Anonymous said…
cute shot! :)
have a wonderful WW!
Eds said…
what a nice sight! I really love seeing photos of nature! :) happy WW!

Anonymous said…
very cute! :)

Happy Wordless!
Michelle said…
oh great shot.. thanks for the blog visit.happy ww
eastcoastlife said…
hehe... cute picture. I was hopping to see a funny picture of someone not ducking!
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see ducks again. We have at least two more months to go around here.
The Rock Chick said…
Awwww.that is really cute! Our neighborhood is being visited by a bunch (gaggle?) of geese! There's like 10 of them just wandering around! It's easy to tell where they've been :)

Happy WW
Jessica The Rock Chick
j said…
Fast Action Duck Shots!! Hah! Cute photos - Jen
SandyCarlson said…
Oh, how beautiful. I saw the first two ducks of the season on Mon. I'll count these as three more!
HartofDixie said…
Just beautiful. I would love to touch them!
Carletta said…
Will be long before we too can take a sunny dip?
Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE ducks. They are so cute. It's too funny that they timed it so well.
Happy WW!
tx sweetie said…
beautiful ducks having fun,relaxing! nice photo for WW..


mine's up to.check it out please

Worn Out

Facial Expressions
Ingrid said…
May I borrow one for Saturday when I take my weekly bath ??
Anonymous said…
Great pic! You sure do know your birds.
Kristi said…
Perfect caption. Happy WW!
Jan said…
Great capture. I shot some duck yesterday, too. I'm saving mine for later.
Kim said…
Lovely picture. Ducks are beautiful to watch.
Desert Songbird said…
They all received the same signal from the secret duck satellite.
Forgive the humor...but is that Huey, Dewey, and Louie?
Anonymous said…
My daughter and I love the ducks in the pond..Ducks are my fave.

We yell, "Duck Butt!" whenever we see them with their tails in the air and their heads submerged.
Robocop said…
Mmm... Roast duck. Now I am hungry.**LOL**
Must be that time of year - I was photographing ducks a couple of weeks ago. Yours is a very good shot. I'm impressed that you have such specific information about them. My caption would just read "ducks." Ha! Ha!

Thanks for dropping by and have a great day! :D
Robyn Jones said…
Our ducks aren't back yet....they would be frozen solid in the water...LOL! I wish I was south too...it is -21 here....
Anonymous said…
Oh I cant wait till our ducks come back, we have seen some goose, but its still fetchin' freezin' out here!
cool shot. i love how you caught them.
Unknown said…
Reminds me when I use to work on a beach in CA. Love'em!!

Happy WW and thx for your visit :)
Anonymous said…
Nice shot, Pamela. They all look so-o-o self-involved. Happy WW.
Kaytabug said…
LOL!!! Great photo!!!
Jan Parrish said…
Great shot. :) Happy WW!
Susan in va said…
(*snort*) Everybody Duck...good one (*snicker*) :D
Wendster said…

OK. That left me speechless.

You are so silly.
Anonymous said…
tee hee love the caption with the pics;)
Unknown said…
If I culd bend my head like that I think I would never be ableto straighten it again! Flexible!
Mary said…
I'd rather be goosed, but OK. ;)

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