Spring Teasers

Today would be perfect for doing some yard clean up. The sun is shining and I would much rather be outside than in.

Neighbor Bill is turning dirt and adding compost to his garden. The packed dirt in my shoe tread reveals that I was over there discussing potatoes, strawberries, and daffodils earlier this morning . I am enchanted by the blossoms on his Hazelnut trees.
My own daffodil and hyacinth bulbs have been called by the sunshine. Notice that I am not as punctual as Bill when it comes to cleaning fall and winter debris from my flower bed. We leave many of our plants as forage and habitat for the small birds that make their winter home in our neighborhood. I'll get my rake and wheel barrow out next weekend. Maybe.

Instead of spring cleanup, this afternoon I'm going to drive 45 minutes to a wild life refuge where 70% of the migrating ducks and geese stop to rest and recoup. Last week I saw eight bald eagles perching majestically in trees amidst the wetlands.

Inland Empire Girl and Myanderings inspired me this morning to look for signs that the season is approaching.


Anonymous said…
My excuse for not doing yardwork? It's March - and its raining.
Robinella said…
Hope you had your camera and will be showing photos of the bald eagles.
Anonymous said…
On our trip to see Swampy, we spotted 5 bald eagles. It blew me away. They were the very first ones I'd seen in the wild. The sun doesn't hit my daffodils until mid-April. So I have to wait a while.
Tammy said…
Oh, your wild life refuge trip sounds so neat...I hope there's photos for us! Have fun! :)
Beckie said…
Did you see a lot of birds? Where did you go?

We were thinking about going to McNary - maybe next weekend.
Sandy said…
I hope you had fun today! Thanks for linking back to me, Pamela. I really do appreciate it.
Pamela said…
Karmyn: It poured last night. But today the sun was shining and the wind was blowing.
Robinella: No luck with the cameras. Oh I tried.
NLL: takes my breath away
Beckie: I'm going back next w/e. Not much luck today. Wind was cutting me to pieces
Sandy: I enjoyed watching a northern harrier use the wind to stay motionless above his prey. Amazing.
Gattina said…
Isn't that nice that spring arrives ?? I feel like a bird ! To your question, yes, we have robins here they even are the only birds with a little color ! otherwise we have only a lot of sparrows, some crows, and magpies. There are probably more but I don't know them. Ah yes we also have ONE woodpecker here somewhere, I have never seen it but I hear it !
As I understand you will change your blog name to "The yard will wait" ??
MarmiteToasty said…
The daffs in me garden have been flowering for a few weeks now, we had the sunniest February on record here.....

Spring is definetely in the air....

Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela.. Spring is in the air when you see the daffodils heads popping out the ground.. Love the unusual blossom on the hazelnut,
MarmiteToasty said…
HAPPY MUVVERS DAY Pamela :) - thats what today is over here....

BarnGoddess said…
Spring has sprung!

I hope your trip was great fun and you have some beautiful photos.

Spring, it feels like it in OKLA. winds blowing 35+ mph, 75 degrees and severe weather predicted for tonite.
Anonymous said…
We have a blanket of snow on the ground yet, and a little more (a skiff) last night and this morning it was -20˚C. The sun is shining bright, which is deceiving. I will be starting my bedding plants this week, indoors of course.
Shelby said…
no snow here, but it gets warm then very cold, then warm again..then cold. it's crazy.

I'm ready for warmth period.
Betty said…
Looks like Spring is about to take a big leap in your part of the country. Enjoyed the pictures.
Hayden said…
Spring - and that demarcation between growing and resting - is one of the things I look forward to in Michigan. Don't get me wrong, we have spring here - my plum is leafing out after having been aglow with blossoms, my magnolia is still in bloom. It's that winter rain makes the weeds grow thick and tall, and then there is the soggy ground, don't want to compact it - and the next minute it's summer, the weeds grimly entrenched and hanging on with all of their rooty strength! There isn't ever a moment of grace and clear ground, except deep in the later parts of dry summer. Even my spring bulbs have to be uncovered - they usually are 2 feet of growth beneath the weeds.
Anonymous said…
Those hazlenut blossoms are very unique!

I have daffodils and crocus blooming. Tulips and hyacinth are sticking their heads out of the ground. I posted some great pictures of my daffodils. Well, I guess I should say that I think they are great! Now that I've discovered I can lay down, take pictures AND get back up, I used that technique to take pictures of my flowers.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see photos of your excursion!
Anonymous said…
I have two daffodil blooms, and tulips and hyacinths beginning to push through the ground. Of course, once they make it through the ground, they have to make it through 6 inches of leaves, which I keep telling myself that I leave as compost, letting the earth regenerate itself.
AfKaP said…
Dawn wrote what I was going to say - At least you have a lawn to examine - ours is still under a foot of snow. I'll get back to you in May when we start to see leaf buds out here in Minnesota!
Attie said…
ground!! I haven't seen ground in months!! let alone green!!
Carla said…
Oh, spring! And I woke up to a blustery, snowy day. Grr...
Anonymous said…
Spring? What's that?! We have another 3-5 inches of snow coming tonight.
Mariposa said…
I'm glad spring is on its ways there now!
Ms. Kathleen said…
Nothing blooming her as of yet but more white stuff! I hope spring arrives early this year! Hugs!
Bobbi said…
Daffodils have been up fully for a couple weeks now. I still can't get used to such early springs here!!
Wendster said…
My version of yard work: Send the lawn guys out to handle it. Walk through the yard once every other week or two.
For some reason I stay in the house a lot lately.
Not like me at all.
Judypatooote said…
It is either raining here or snowing, and the ground is mushy. Your crocus, or grape hya. look great....I couldn't even find mine for there are leaves that need to be raked out....late leaf falling.
I would love to see a Hazelnut tree, for I drink Hazelnut coffee all the time.....judy
"They called me in the hyacinth girl."

Here in the Midwest, it's still winter.
Karina said…
Yard work? We got 6 inches of snow on Saturday...yard work! HA! ;-)

OH, you've got an award over at my blog to pick up (and I've added you to my blog roll, by the way)!
Joy T. said…
Lucky lucky lucky. We're still sitting with 3 feet of snow covering our lawn but hopefully the weather will start turning nice one of these days. In the meantime I can come over here and watch your flowers bloom :o)
M@ said…
My cast is off and spring is here!
my4kids said…
We are having a few signs of spring but a little warmer temps would be even nicer. We have eagles here all the time I see several a day and love it. I'm an eagle fan....
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a plan for a wonderful day
Anonymous said…
I am soooooo looking forward to spring. We still have a couple of months before we get the garden in. Around here, you plant after the May long weekend. With the way things are going around here weather wise, it might be sooner. Enjoy your spring!! When we get rid of our snow, then we will enjoy ours.
theotherbear said…
Wow, those are really cool looking flowers on your hazelnut tree. Never seen any like that before.

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