Funny Looking

Today's conversation as Amanda backed her mini-van up to peer around the car parked next to us. She pulled back in to let some traffic pass.

Amanda: That sure was a funny lookin' woman.
Me : What woman?
Amanda: The one who was driving that car.
Me: What car.
Amanda: The one on the other side of the one parked next to us.
Me: I'll take a look once you pull out.
Amanda: Okay, I think it's clear now.
Me: Whoaaa... she's a dog!


Anonymous said…
Funny, we say the same thing. Sometimes we will be driving along and I will say, "Wow, that guys girl sure is a dog", to which everyone looks and smiles at the golden retriever in the passenger seat.

I can't believe I am first to comment. Yay me.
willowtree said…
Most of the wimmin around here are too.
Anonymous said…
heh heh - did she have black or golden hair?
Shelby said…
and what a head of hair she has! :) too cute..
Mercy's Maid said…
I almost took a similar picture the other day, but I wasn't fast enough. Maybe one of these days I'll learn to always have my camera at the ready. :)
Sandy said…
I just wish I had her hair!
Junebug said…
How funny! A real dog she is too!
Ingrid said…
Hahaha ! that happened once to me too I thought what a strange hairdo this woman has and it was a Cocker Spaniel !!
karisma said…
Well she is rather nice looking for a dog!
katy said…
and what a dog she is too!
ChrisB said…
Cute driver!!
Jeanette said…
hahaha I had to enlarge to see the Golden Lab...
Peter said…
Life can be a bitch some times.
Kila said…
Awww, cute. It's probably better looking than its driver!
Bobbi said…
Oh, that's funny!
Rurality said…
Hope it wasn't driving. ;)
kitten said…
ROFL! Thanks girly, I really needed that laugh!
Unknown said…
Was she from Wisconsin?
Desert Songbird said…
Man! That is one interesting looking driver.
Betsy Hart said…
How funny, that is something my sister might say.... lol
Anonymous said…
Geez, I'm glad I clicked on the pic to make it bigger! Toooo funny!
Anonymous said…
What kind of dog was it? That's pretty funny!
Joy T. said…
She may be a dog but I clicked on the picture and wish I had hair as beautiful as her. LOL so funny!!
Susie Q said…
Ah but such soulful eyes...poor dear does need to see a plastic surgeon about those ears...but her hair is so
shiny and soft looking.
Kipper agrees that she is quite a dog! : )

Anonymous said…
Yes...and a very nice looking dog too I might add.

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