
Showing posts from 2015

Goodbye 2015


Sharing The Digs

In the summertime the air is filled with Bank Swallows that have burrowed nests into the walls of an old gravel pit near the river.  I've always thought that winter would be so lonely there. I thought wrong.  This year the cavities are the winter homes of Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. At dusk they all gather to fight over the holes ... and find refuge and shelter in the condominium that the swallows left behind for the warmer climes.

Migration - Spring 2015

What kind of birds are landing in our neighbors tree? Could it really be.... Turkey Vultures Their arrival time in the valley is March 16 through 31.   Although they generally just fly over on their way to somewhere else. They are an uncommon valley resident, that is for sure! I think they are resting from a trying migrant journey. A neighbor's dog, watching me wistfully through a double window pane. No barking.  Just that sweet yearning face. A little more black would make him yin and yang. It's been forever since I visited my blog.  Hi there.