Continuing Conversations With Grands
A few weeks ago 6+ year old Dinkum came home from school and handed me this photo. "I drew space for you grandma!" Grandma: Can you tell me what everything is? Dinkum: It's the planets. The one that is frowning is Pluto. He's mad because he's the smallest! ***** Some recent 4+ year old Mizelle conversations: One day I walked out to the garage by myself and picked up a sack which fell apart. Two Butternut squash fell to the floor which startled me. I think I yelled "OH NO." When I got back into the house Mizelle was looking at the door. Mizelle: Gwamma... who did you say 'hi' to? Gwamma: No one. I was talking to myself. Mizelle: Can I say hello? ***** Mizelle: Gwamma.... Gwamma... sumptins wong with my foot." Gwamma: Does it hurt? Mizelle: NO... it won't let me put my sock on! ***** I had to run some errands and I had my "list" in the front seat. When Mizelle and I hopped out of ...