One of my very first blogging buddies is hosting today's Fun Monday . She asked that we make a list starting with A sylum and ending with Z any. Well, not those exact words, but the capital letter might give you the gist of it. I won't explain much more - except that we weren't obligated to follow the rules. So, without further A dieu or Z aboomafoo, I present to you and to Swampwitch my Fun Monday list of A to Z. Yesterday was Easter and we were delighted to join some friends for dinner at a buffet in a nearby city. The following are the things we devoured, and a few things that we didn't: A pple Pie, peach cobbler, and every dessert imaginable. B eets, (pickled) C ranberry sauce D eep fried chicken, home style chicken, baked chicken. E ggs boiled and dyed F ish, baked (and Fried shrimp I didn’t eat) G ravy, beef and turkey H am, sliced to perfection. I ce cream, chocolate or vanilla. J ust too much damn food (thanks to hubby for this suggesti...